2013年9月24日 星期二

字詞研究 (35)

字詞研究 (35)

88) role/roll:

1. role n. 角色

a. She became something of a ~ model for girls. 她變成具有幾分女孩

b. Angelina Jolie took home an Oscar for her ~in 1999’s Girl, Interrupted. 佳莉娜以她1999年的一部電影- “被打岔的女孩把一座奧斯卡金像獎捧回家。

c. Satellite networks play an important ~ in modern communication.

2.  roll n. 捲;名冊;卷軸;案卷call the ~ 點名a ~of painting
一捲畫;rock and~ 搖滾音樂;spring ~ 春捲(中菜直譯)

The complaining adults weren’t even upset about their own kids, who’d actually made honor ~. 抱怨的大人們,甚至對於他們實際已上了榮譽榜的小孩也不會不高興~ v. 滾;轉

The Indian Chief is practically a ~ ing piece of sculpture. 印地安酋長

89) sail/ sale:

1. sail [ sel ] v.  n. 航行 ~ for set ~ for + 地點

The fleet set sail for the West Indies before the discovery of the continent.         

2. sale [sel ] n. 出售; 銷售for ~  :  指物品「擬出售」:

a. This is the house for ~ 吉屋出售。 比較for rent (擬出租) ;for lease (長期租約) Apartment to Let 公寓出租 (英式用法)

b. on ~ (物品) (上市或廉售) bargain ~ 減價廉售中  

i. Swimming suits are on ~ now. 泳衣正減價出售中

ii.It is due on~. (法律用詞-不動產出售時貸款應即還清) sale
後接名詞,常用複數sales representative 業務代表;~sman 銷售員; ~s promotion 促銷; ~s commission  買賣傭金 比較(類似用法)

a. sport n. 運動後接名詞時須加 ssportsman 運動員;~smanship

b. spokesman n. 男發言人;spokeswoman   女發言人;但,chairman 主席
chairwoman 女主席

c. marketing 行銷; ~ manager 行銷經理
We shall set sail for the shore to pick up some shells for sale

 90) sew/ sow/ so/ sue:  [ so ] 均屬同音字:

1. sew v. 縫紐; 縫合a ~ing machine 縫紉機sewer 下水道 sewage  n. 污水 

2. sow v. 播種

Spring is the best season to sow seeds of rice in Asia. 在亞洲春天是種稻子的最好季節。
As men ~, so shall they reap. 種什麼,就收什麼; 種瓜得瓜。

*I wanted to get back to Goldman and reap what he had been ~ing during the war years.

*We have reaped from these programs an ugly harvest of frustration, violence and failure across the land. 從這些計劃中,我們已獲得的收穫是遍及全國的挫折、暴力、與失敗。

sue [ su ] v. 控告lawsuit n. 官司; file a l~ 打官司,提告訴

Justin Lai 編著




