2013年9月5日 星期四

字詞研究 (30)

字詞研究 (30)

77) naturalize / neutralize:

1.    naturalize  vt. + be ~ d 歸化; a ~ d American 已歸化的美國人(a native 
American 土生土長的美國人)

All persons born or ~ed in the United States are citizens of the United States. 所有在美國出生或歸化的人都是美國公民。

All persons born or naturalized…. = All persons (who are) born or naturalized….

natural a. 自然的 naturalization n.

2. neutralize vt. 使中立(to be exempt from hostilities)

Switzerland and Swiss are two major ~ d countries in Europe. 瑞典與瑞士為歐洲

neutral a.中立的 (helping neither side in a war)中性的neutralist 中立主義者

78) oversea/ oversee / (supervise):

1. oversea(s) a. 海外的 (= at places across the sea) overseas  adv. 在海外 Chinese living ~s 華僑 = ~ Chinese

a. Taking a new job or transferring ~s can be lucrative. 接受新工作或調職到海外都可能是有利可圖的

b. For many years now, we have been alerting Americans to the tremendous advantages of adopting an international lifestyle,including the possibility of retiring comfortably overseas at a
remarkably low cost.


2. oversee vt.  監督 (look after工作,與oversea同音

Industry veteran Rob Moore will ~ marketing, distribution and operations.
業界資深人員- Rob Moore 將監督行銷,分送和運作等事務。

A foreman is hired to oversee the work to be done in this department. 僱用一位工頭來監管本部門要做的工作。

*比較oversight n. 監管;疏忽;失察

Securities and Exchange Commission reaffirms independent fund ~

* 比較
a. supervise [ `supD'va0z ] vt. 監督 = oversee = superintendsupervisor n.監督者superintendent 部門主管;督學       
b. monitor v. 監控;n. 監視器 (電腦;電視銀幕)

Surveillance cameras watch us on street corners; computer spyware monitors us on the Internet. 監視器在街道角落監視我們;電腦間諜器在網路上監視我們。

(surveillance) n.監視

Justin Lai編著




