2013年6月30日 星期日

惡馬惡人騎? (4)


B. 龍蛇雜處

直譯Dragons and snakes are living together. (龍屬尊貴,蛇屬低賤)-龍蛇生活在一起

a. A place is full of noble and humble people living together.(充滿高貴與低賤人雜居之地)
b.It is not a clean, neat or upper-class place. (比喻非清潔、乾凈或高級之處)
c.It is a place inhabited by people with much difference in class. (住有人們階級懸殊的地方)

7) (horse)

. 惡馬惡人騎 (胭脂馬遇到關老爺)
註:惡』字在台語中並非全指不好或壞(bad)它也可指很凶(tough) strictsternharsh嚴格的、脾氣不好(bad-tempered)或難纒的人。故此處把惡馬譯成a bad horse,把惡人譯成a bad person顯然不當。

a. An untamed /wild but nice horse must be ridden by a wilder and stronger guy just like “Yan-Tze Horse” by Gen. Kuan.

b. Only a stronger and wilder person can handle an untamed, wild but nice horse. It is true with “Yan-Tze Horse”, which can be managed only by Gen. Kuan.

*(untamed a.未被馴服的,未必是不好的。「胭脂馬」是三國演義中關雲長所騎的名馬,他是受肯定的正派大將軍絕非壞人)

A vicious guy (a hard nut to crack) must need a more powerful one to take care of or control 惡人須惡人治』如難馴之『胭脂馬』名駒,遇到關羽就被馴服了.

B. () 高山看馬相踢 (漢語-坐山觀虎鬥)

直譯Standing on the hill, one watches two horses kicking each other down there. 站立山上,觀看馬匹互鬥
意譯being an outsider or onlooker, not getting involved in a business which is not his concern (旁觀者)- 不参與與己不相關之事 (比較: Mind your own concerns. 別管閑事)

C. 馬無吃險草袜肥,(人無橫財袜無富)

直譯Horses won’t get strong and husky without eating grass  hardly accessible, just like people will not become rich without quick and easy money.馬匹不吃『不易吃得到』的草,就不會長壯,如同沒有獲得橫財,人就難以致富。-鼓勵「冒險致富」。

註:「險草」不可譯為dangerous grass,其本意為長在水邊或山涯邊處,不易吃得到(not accessible) 之草。「袜肥=不會長胖,但不可譯為fat,而該譯為「(strong or husky) 。中文的「橫財」不可譯為crossed money,因橫財也者乃迅速易得之財。應譯為:
quick and easy money如中了樂透彩券,從天上掉下的。其相對為『血汗錢(辛苦賺得),但不可譯為blood and sweat money,應譯為:hard-earned money= money which is earned by working hard。另外『不義之財』應譯為ill-gotten money (= money which is gotten in an evil or ill way).

意譯 No risk no profit. 沒有經過風險與機運的人不會成就大業」。本句乃鼓勵要有冒險精神才能成大事業。

【比較】:High risk, high profit (高風險高利潤)Zero risk, zero profit. (零風險零利潤)- 如把錢存銀行等屬之。

8) (goat, sheep, lamb)



a.For the purpose of worshipping gods, people kill swine and goats(為拜諸神而屠宰豬羊)
b. killing swine and goats for sacrifice (屠殺豬羊作祭祀用) (sacrifice v. 犧牲,n. 牲禮)

意譯to hold a solemn ceremony, worshipping gods, goddesses to celebrate or show gratitude for something granted. (舉行一項莊嚴儀式以慶祝或酬謝神明) 表示虔誠與莊嚴

9) (money)

A. 仙拼仙害死猴齊天

意譯During the struggle between two powers, a rather small third party becomes the victim. (猴子有齊天大聖之尊稱)- 在兩權相争中,處於弱勢的第三者成為受害人』。(victim n.)

B. 猴脚猴手

直譯with hands and feet of a monkey 有猴子的手脚

意譯(used as a metaphor to describe) a person who is very skillful or clever in doing something 用以比喻某人手腳的靈活。比較: She has a light hand with pastry. 擅長麵食。

C. 殺雞儆猴

直譯You have to kill a chicken to frighten a monkey. (have to….to+v. 是一重要句型)

意譯Making an example of someone(懲罰一個人來警告其他人) (example n.榜樣,follow the ~ of someone模仿..)

Justin Lai, 06/29/2013







2013年6月29日 星期六

(3) Where the Boys Are


Where the Boys Are


本歌約於1960年推出,由Connie Francis主唱,是電影的主題曲(片名與曲名相同),其主題在探索(explore) 美國當年大學年輕人的sexuality(),與正在改變的『道德觀態度(sexual morals & attitude) 。主要以teenagers (年青人) 向大眾訴求,其背景為佛羅里達州暖和的陽光海灘愛情故事為主(sun, sand & romance) 。本曲配合Connie所演的電影,實際上劇情與歌詞均與Connie有關。

I.Lyrics: 歌詞:

Where the boys are (1) 在有男生的地方

Someone waits for me有人在等我

A smiling face, a warm embrace, (2) 他會給我一張微笑的臉, 和温暖的擁抱

Two arms to hold me tenderly. (3) 他展開双臂温柔地抱著我

Where the boys are, 在有男生的地方

My true love will be. 我真正的愛就在那兒

He’s walkin’ down some streets in town. 他正在市區的街道上蹓達

And I know he is looking there for me. 而我知道他正尋找我

In the crowd of a million people在上百萬的人群中

I’ll find my Valentine. (4) 我會找到我的愛人

And then I’ll climb to the highest steeple, (5) 然後我會爬上最高的塔上

And tell the world he is mine. 並向世人宣告他是我的愛人

*Till he holds me, (6)直到他抱住我,

I’ll wait impatiently. 我會急躁地等候

Where the boys are, Where the boys are, Where the boys are,


Someone waits for me. (refrain) 有人在等我

1.     where S +V…, 主要句子,為一個句型。他例:Where there is hope, there is life. 有希望之處就有生命。Where there is a will, there is a way. (有意志之處,就有出路-喻『有志者事竟成』。)
2.     A smiling face, a warm embrace. 其前省略(someone with=具有….. .的某人
3.     Two arms to….(=Two arms which are to…)
4.     I will find….. in the crowd of …..people. in the crowd of…作地方副詞為加重語氣,而置於句首
5.     Valentine = a sweetheart chosen or complimented on Saint Valentine’s Day在情人節被選出或讚美的『情人valentinemine押韻, (downtown押韻) Peoplesteeple押韻
6.     holds me = embrace /hug me

Enjoy the music: 欣賞音樂


2013年6月28日 星期五

Smartphones Users in America


For the first time, a majority of American adults are now smartphone owners, according to a study recently released..


The Pew Center for Internet and American Life found that 56 percent of all American adults now use mobile phones that run an operating system such as Apple’s iOS, Google’s Android or Microsoft’s Windows Phone. That's up from 46 percent in 2012 and 35 percent in 2011.

網路與美國生活研究中心發現全美百分之56之成年現在使用行動電話,它的運作系統如蘋果的iOS, GoogleAndroid(機器人)或微軟的視窗電話。從2011年的35%上升到2012年的46%.

Microsoft’s XBox One is the company’s first new console in eight years, and it’s aiming to be an entertainment system for more than just gamers with the ability to stream live TV and make Skype calls.

微軟的Xbox One型是八年來該公司首次第一項新的機座型,公司計劃使它成為不僅是玩遊戲人的一種娛樂型系統,且具有能力融入電視的現塲,並可打Skype免費電話。

The company’s recently patented technology sorts through a vehicle’s raw data to decide what should be sent to the cloud for analysis.


Google and Apple owners account for half of cellphone users, the report said, with 28 percent of respondents saying they use Android phones and 25 percent saying that they use an iPhone running iOS. The report also found that despite the rising adoption of smartphones, BlackBerry users are dwindling — down to 4 percent of the population from 10 percent in May 2011 in this most recent survey.

該報告說,持用Google與蘋果的顧客群,說明佔用手機使用者的一半。其中28%接受調查者說他們使用Android電話,而25%的人說他們使用iPhone,都是用iOS的系統。最近報告也發現,儘管有逐漸增加的人使用智慧型手機,Black Berry (藍莓) 的用户正從20115月的10%萎縮到4%.

Overall, the study found, 91 percent of the U.S. adults own a cellphone. Around one-third, 35 percent, of Americans own cellphones that don’t run mobile operating systems; nine percent of American adults still don’t own any kind of cellphone, the report said.


The survey was conducted over cellphones and landline phones between April 17 and May 19, among a sample of 2,252 adults over the age of 18.


As noted in many technology polls, there are stark differences in adoption among age groups, with younger users much more likely to employ high tech devices. Regardless of income, younger users tend to be smartphone owners. In other age groups, however, a higher salary is a good indicator of whether someone owns a smartphone.


African American users are more likely than Hispanics or white users to say that they own an Android device. Younger, lower-income smartphone owners also tend to be Android users, the study found. Apple customers, meanwhile, tend to skew toward an older, more affluent set of smartphone users.


Apple offers only a few pricing options for its phones, while many companies make phones that run Google’s operating system at various price points.


The domestic smartphone market is a tight race, though Apple and Google are clearly the top players. According to a report from the analysis firm comScore released Tuesday, Apple is the leading smartphone manufacturer in the United States, with 39.2 percent of smartphone subscribers over the age of 13 saying they own an iPhone. Samsung, Apple’s arch rival, makes Android phones and is in second place with 22 percent of the market.

雖然GoogleApple市塲佔有率明顯位居前茅,但美國國內智慧型話機市塲競爭激烈。依星期二公佈的報告,Apple居美國國內智慧型話機領先的製造商,在13歲以上手機擁有iPhone者,它的佔有率是39.2%. 三星是Apple的狡猾競争對手,製造Android話機則以22%居第二位。

Google’s Android still commands a majority of the overall smartphone market, however, with 52 percent of comScore respondents saying they own an Android phone.


Translated from news released in early June, 2013


Justin Lai, 06/14/2013

PS. 『衰退中的中國經濟』一文,刊於另一blogger: http://www.chiayihi.blogspot.com