2013年6月21日 星期五

“in the world” 與 “on earth” 的妙用 (14)


“in the world” “on earth” 的妙用

通常我們說「在世界上」用in the world, on earth,即使在進入太空時代後,也少有人用
in the cosmos (universe)。因為人們仍習慣稱地球為世界,the world。雖然地球只有一個,
earth 不加theworld 則須加

world  ”in the world”可以指地理上的世界,人群(含其他生物) kingdom(世界)裡,也可以

earth n.地球earth强調地球表面故用on。但earth前面若用不同介詞,則有不同意義︰

1. on ~ 在地球上;在世界上 (= in the world)
a. Bill Gates is regarded as one of the richest men on ~畢爾蓋次被認為是世界上最富有的人之一。

The director did not say a word on ~ (=in the world) about the actress.關於女演員,導演連一句

Why on earth are you wasting so much on computer games on internet? 你究竟為何花這麼多時間在線上遊戲?

“This is terrible!” she exclaimed. “How in the world shall I ever be able to explain to her?  I should
have known better than to give you money in the first place, and I was a fool for listening to you…”


1.     上句in the world不可解釋為世界上,而是一種加重語氣(emphatic)表示懷疑疑問
2. should have known better than to+v,是一句型,表示『不該笨到以致或『聰明得不致
= be wise enough not to+ have+ p.p..

You should have known better than to put hot food on a cold dish. 你不該糊塗到把熱的食物放在
若指「現在或未來之事」,可用  know better than to+ v….”

Edward Snowden should known better than to leak the message. 史諾登不該透露信息。(尚未做)

He should know better than to open the door for strangers.
=He should be wise enough not to open the door for strangers.
=He should be so wise as not to open the door for strangers.

口語用法中,在疑問代名詞之後常用the hell 代替in the worldon earth,但除非與聽話者
注意hacker駭客) hell n. 地獄

Who the hell are you talking to? 到底和誰說話?

Who the hell do you think you are? 你自以為何許人也?

What the hell is he waiting for? 他有什麼好等候的?

Why the hell does he keep fooling around? 他幹嗎老無所事事?

To your hell!滾蛋﹗

注意:以上the hell 為加重語氣的說法,相等於中文的「X」。多作副詞片語用,而另一


看法】:目前台灣官方文件大都採用文言兼白話的語句,尤其法院文書。若全用文言文,看懂的人有限,全用白話顯得宂長與庸俗。從前某一法院書記官記道:『甲造說,「我去他奶奶的…. 」,乙造據此提起告訴,因認定甲造罵他』,而造成兩造對簿公堂的,乙造可能是中國北方人,
他奶奶的」是刺耳的罵人之詞,而對台灣人的甲造而言,它是 “his grandma’s” 但聽話者却
可能認為是 “his god-damned(fucking) house”,同樣是白話文,竟有不同的解讀?

《比較》hell 前加a意義不同:
"The pilot made a hell of a landing." 飛行員降落得很糟糕。(另外,crash landing迫降)

*I have always heard it was a hell of a challenge to get him out of the building. 我一直聽說,把他

2. on the ~ (純粹指)地球表面上︰
This species of animal surviving on the ~ is getting fewer and fewer. 存活在世界上的這種動物愈

3. in the ~ 指在地球裡面
*20 feet below in the ~ was buried an ancient city.地下20英尺深處埋著一座古城

A. planet (星體)
To have a better ~ to live on, we had to do recycling. 我們必須作環保回收才有更乾淨的地球。

Recycling is beneficial for creatures on the planet. 回收有利地球生物。(the planet = the earth)

B.另一為globe n.= the earththe whole ~= the whole world有人說:Think global, eat local
global a. 全盤的,local局部的。兩字相對。a global war全球大戰;指一件事全部錯誤叫global
errorlocal error 則指局部的錯誤

Justin Lai, 06/14/2013



