2013年6月6日 星期四

字詞研究 (3)

字詞研究 (3)


10) affection / affectation: 此二字與第3題的affect(影響)有關

1. affection n. = loveA has (shows) an ~ for B. (AB)
a. He shows an affection for his wife. =He loves his wife very much. 他愛他太太。
= He is attached to his wife.

b. Tokens of ~s in antique silver metal with ruby red beads make the perfect gift for a loved one,
or yourself.用古銀鑲紅寶石細珠來表示愛意,成了送給愛人或你自己完美的禮物。

affections (which are set) in….. 鑲製。With ruby red beads作材料。全句主詞Tokenstoken n. 象徵,in ~ of.. 作為之表徵;動詞make此處不作「製造」解,而= turn out to be「成為」。另例:Tom and Mary make a perfect couple.TomMary是絕配。
a loved one 親人=one who is lovedfor接兩個受詞,a loved one and (for) yourself.

【比較】attachment n. (U不可數名詞) 附件,執愛=devotion (不加s)

His attachment to this particular antique was absurd, unhealthy even. 他對此特別古董的鍾愛是
荒謬的,甚至於不健康。,unhealthy even=or (it was)even unhealthy.

2. affectation n. 矯飾 = artificial behavior (做作的行為) affect v. 另一解釋為
佯裝/假裝』= pretend vt. 但沒有pretend常用
He affects not to know anything about the promotion. 他對促銷一事假裝不知情。Pretend(that)
you are happy when you’re blue. Isn’t it very hard to do?當你不快樂時假裝而高興,不是很難?(blue do押韻)

He expressed his gratitude without affectation. (= sincerely)真誠地表達謝意。


11) accept /except /expect/ acceptance / exception/expectation:

accept, except, expect是讀音接近的字。有一次看到某醫院診所門外告示:

“We don’t except walk-in patients. Appointments only.” 我們僅看診事先約定的患者。(這是常見的告示walk-in patients臨時進來的病人)-句中except應改為accept此二字因發音接近,極易混淆。

【注意】:倘指「不速之客」,不可譯為walk-in guest,應譯為:unexpected guest

1.     accept v.接受;認為。指看不見的事。receive v. 收到,則指有形的物;

a.      We accept your invitation with pleasure.我們樂意接受你的邀請。

b. The endless hustle and stress of the modern world- many people a~ it as part of the game. But it
doesn’t need to be that way.
it乃指前面The endless…..world這件事。

c. Her beleaguered, tired mind just wouldn’t ~ it. 她備受困擾與疲憊的頭腦就是無法接受此事。

* an accepted truth一件公認的事實
It is an accepted truth that “Power is right.” 大家公認『强權便是公理

Please accept my invitation- for you and a guest- to a powerful wealth-building workshop that
will demonstrate specific, proven and profitable strategies that you can use right away to score big
profits within these current market conditions.



invitation to接受邀請…. a powerful wealth-building workshop= a powerful workshop which
builds wealth…. that you can use…(that=the workshop)demonstrate=point out/display展示;
proven=which are proven被証明 score v.累積;n. 積分 (比較point n.得分,全部的point才叫s
core) (待續)

Justin Lai, 06/01/2013



