2013年6月7日 星期五

『已婚、未婚、離婚、寡居、分居』應如何正確表達? (12)



我們常聽人說:「某人與某人結婚」,如Tom Mary結婚,可否譯為:Tom married with Mary. Tom and Marry married. Tom was married with Mary.? 以上譯句均非正確。因marry vt是及物動詞,(//) 什麼人不可用with。正確譯文應是:Tom and Mary were(got) married. Tom(Mary) was married to Mary(Tom). 所以習慣上問人「他跟某人結婚? 」,應說:To whom was he married?白話英文也有人說 Who was he married to?或簡略地問 Who to?「跟誰?

“Are you married?” 您結婚了沒? 對不太熟的朋友問這句話是太禮貌的,尤其僅憑
What is your marital status?”(請問您的婚姻狀況如何?)

 一般國外表格填寫中常有一欄Marital status (婚姻狀況) 要填表人圈選︰married已婚,single
(正式用語)未婚(男單身漢俗話叫 bachelor女子叫single girl,男女統稱single person. I am single. 我未婚)

 divorced離婚divorcee (已離婚的婦女)

同樣不可說:I divorced with him(her). 應說:He (She) divorced her(him).divorce 也是vt(及物
動詞) Tom and Mary have been divorced是正確的。divorce另作n. 故也可以說:Tom(Marry)
got a divorce from Marry(Tom)


spouse deceased喪偶(widower widow,男女一方也可以叫surviving spouse未亡人通常
指女性。survive v. 存活,surviving尚存的) (decease v. 死亡,thedeceased亡者) 以上都是正

widow n.寡婦 = a woman who remains unmarried after her husband’sdeatha widowed woman

widower n.鰥夫 = a man who remains unmarried after his wife’s death.

*老而未婚小姐俗謂spinster (=maiden aunt-台語稱老姑婆。maiden name女子婚前的名字,未冠

【注意】marriedmarital皆由marry v轉成,前者指已婚的(人們) 後者指婚姻狀態。
marriageable a. 適合結婚的,~age適婚年齡。status n.源自拉丁文= standing, position, rank表示
身分地位或現狀,例:the ~ of a minor未成年人的身分~ quo = existing state of affairs(事情
之現狀) ~symbol高社會地位之象徵。

When a new professor in Stanford’s economics department criticized railroad monopolies, the
Founder’s widow said the fellow with the rabid ideas had to go. He went.

 當史坦福大學經濟系的一位新教授批評鐵路的獨佔生意時,(大學) 創辦人的未亡人說,

monopolies /monopoly n.壟斷;criticize v. 批評 rabid a. = fanaticalviolent瘋狂的。
He went.= He was fired.(discharged) …with the rebid…= who had….

【史坦福(Stanford University)大學創辦人原為美國西部鐵路企業家,發跡後,據傳拿了一
大筆錢去哈佛大學想加入辦學行列,卻被告知他的錢僅夠蓋一個學院(college) 之一幢建築
物,他一氣之下把錢抱回加州,在今天加州Silicon Valley (矽谷) 附近創立有所謂「美國西部
哈佛」之稱的史坦福大學, with its unique location of immediate vicinity to SiliconValley(
最靠近矽谷獨待的地理位置)But which emerged first? Stanford or Silicon Valley? (但矽谷

Justin Lai, 06/07/2013


