2013年6月30日 星期日

惡馬惡人騎? (4)


B. 龍蛇雜處

直譯Dragons and snakes are living together. (龍屬尊貴,蛇屬低賤)-龍蛇生活在一起

a. A place is full of noble and humble people living together.(充滿高貴與低賤人雜居之地)
b.It is not a clean, neat or upper-class place. (比喻非清潔、乾凈或高級之處)
c.It is a place inhabited by people with much difference in class. (住有人們階級懸殊的地方)

7) (horse)

. 惡馬惡人騎 (胭脂馬遇到關老爺)
註:惡』字在台語中並非全指不好或壞(bad)它也可指很凶(tough) strictsternharsh嚴格的、脾氣不好(bad-tempered)或難纒的人。故此處把惡馬譯成a bad horse,把惡人譯成a bad person顯然不當。

a. An untamed /wild but nice horse must be ridden by a wilder and stronger guy just like “Yan-Tze Horse” by Gen. Kuan.

b. Only a stronger and wilder person can handle an untamed, wild but nice horse. It is true with “Yan-Tze Horse”, which can be managed only by Gen. Kuan.

*(untamed a.未被馴服的,未必是不好的。「胭脂馬」是三國演義中關雲長所騎的名馬,他是受肯定的正派大將軍絕非壞人)

A vicious guy (a hard nut to crack) must need a more powerful one to take care of or control 惡人須惡人治』如難馴之『胭脂馬』名駒,遇到關羽就被馴服了.

B. () 高山看馬相踢 (漢語-坐山觀虎鬥)

直譯Standing on the hill, one watches two horses kicking each other down there. 站立山上,觀看馬匹互鬥
意譯being an outsider or onlooker, not getting involved in a business which is not his concern (旁觀者)- 不参與與己不相關之事 (比較: Mind your own concerns. 別管閑事)

C. 馬無吃險草袜肥,(人無橫財袜無富)

直譯Horses won’t get strong and husky without eating grass  hardly accessible, just like people will not become rich without quick and easy money.馬匹不吃『不易吃得到』的草,就不會長壯,如同沒有獲得橫財,人就難以致富。-鼓勵「冒險致富」。

註:「險草」不可譯為dangerous grass,其本意為長在水邊或山涯邊處,不易吃得到(not accessible) 之草。「袜肥=不會長胖,但不可譯為fat,而該譯為「(strong or husky) 。中文的「橫財」不可譯為crossed money,因橫財也者乃迅速易得之財。應譯為:
quick and easy money如中了樂透彩券,從天上掉下的。其相對為『血汗錢(辛苦賺得),但不可譯為blood and sweat money,應譯為:hard-earned money= money which is earned by working hard。另外『不義之財』應譯為ill-gotten money (= money which is gotten in an evil or ill way).

意譯 No risk no profit. 沒有經過風險與機運的人不會成就大業」。本句乃鼓勵要有冒險精神才能成大事業。

【比較】:High risk, high profit (高風險高利潤)Zero risk, zero profit. (零風險零利潤)- 如把錢存銀行等屬之。

8) (goat, sheep, lamb)



a.For the purpose of worshipping gods, people kill swine and goats(為拜諸神而屠宰豬羊)
b. killing swine and goats for sacrifice (屠殺豬羊作祭祀用) (sacrifice v. 犧牲,n. 牲禮)

意譯to hold a solemn ceremony, worshipping gods, goddesses to celebrate or show gratitude for something granted. (舉行一項莊嚴儀式以慶祝或酬謝神明) 表示虔誠與莊嚴

9) (money)

A. 仙拼仙害死猴齊天

意譯During the struggle between two powers, a rather small third party becomes the victim. (猴子有齊天大聖之尊稱)- 在兩權相争中,處於弱勢的第三者成為受害人』。(victim n.)

B. 猴脚猴手

直譯with hands and feet of a monkey 有猴子的手脚

意譯(used as a metaphor to describe) a person who is very skillful or clever in doing something 用以比喻某人手腳的靈活。比較: She has a light hand with pastry. 擅長麵食。

C. 殺雞儆猴

直譯You have to kill a chicken to frighten a monkey. (have to….to+v. 是一重要句型)

意譯Making an example of someone(懲罰一個人來警告其他人) (example n.榜樣,follow the ~ of someone模仿..)

Justin Lai, 06/29/2013







