2013年9月1日 星期日



1)    看人卯麵:賣麵者下麵的分量因人而異,刻意討好熟人() treating good and old customers with special complimentary. (complimentary n. 贈品)- 這是被歧視者的抱怨

2)    放屁安狗心prtending to make a promise, not likely to be fulfilled

3)    冤家變親家 Parties hostile toward each other ends up being related by marriage to each other.

4)    錢銀三不便 (週轉不便-不願借錢給人的藉口)-unwilling to lend money to others

5)    朋友看緣份,相挺看時辰 Friendship depends on chances; sponsorship is decided by timing. (sponsorship n. 讚助)

6)    俗物無好貨 價亷物不美 Commodity is cheap but with poor quality.

7)    春寒雨那湶- 春天天氣冷,又加上雨不停 with cold weather in spring, rains keeps falling (台語寒與湶押韻)

8)    酒醉誤江山- 酒後誤大事 When drunk, one may make a big mistake.

9)    乞食趕廟公 乞丐趕廟祝 -(慢來者驅趕先來者)- a new-comer striving to get rid of an old timer

10)   歹子飼老爸 年輕時的浪子,反而會養顧老父- Though bad boys when young, they provide food to old parent, getting old.

11)   善的抓來抬,惡的放乎去 欺善怕惡-spoiling the wicked people while punishing the good ones

12)   笑破人的嘴 令人笑掉大牙 a big joke/ridicule


Justin Lai



