2013年7月6日 星期六


News Alert: 號外新聞

韓航(Asiana Airlines)一架波音777型飛機,由首爾起飛在降落舊金山機塲時,迫降在跑道上起火燃燒,機尾全毁,機身中段大部分屋頂全燒毁…..

SAN FRANCISCO — A Boeing 777 passenger plane arriving from South Korea on Saturday crashed and caught fire as it landed on the runway at San Francisco International Airport.

There was official confirmation that there are 8 adults and two children in critical condition, and 28in hospital now. After fire crews sprayed foam on the white and red jet, which was scorched by flames from its cockpit area to behind its wings. Emergency escape slides were deployed from the doorways and some people who had been on board were seen moving away from aircraft………


Please consult your news media for further detail……



AACHW  12: 50  PM  07/06/2013  美國
                  4: 20 PM updated:  FBI: no sign of ter亡roism involed. 未發現有恐怖行為参與
                  4: 35 PM 已知至少兩人死亡




