2013年7月6日 星期六

4- Beautiful Sunday

老式情歌 (4)
4- Beautiful Sunday 美麗的星期天 -Daniel Boone(主唱)
1)    Lyrics:
Sunday morning up with the lark, 周日上午與雲雀一起起床 (I was) up with the lark)

Think I take(a) walk in the park. 想去公園散步

Hey, hey, hey, beautiful day. 嘿,嘿,嘿,美麗的星期天

I got someone waiting for me有人在等待我

And when I see her I know she’d say看到她時,我知道她會說

Hey, hey, hey, beautiful day. 嘿,嘿,嘿,美麗的星期天

*Ha, ha, ha, beautiful Sunday哈,哈,哈,美麗的星期天

This is, my my, my, beautiful day這是我的美麗的星期天

When you said, said, said, said that you love me當你一再說,妳愛我

Woo, my, my, my,it’s a beautiful day…. 親愛的,這是屬於我的美麗星期天

Birds are singin’ you’re by my side你依偎着我,聆聽鳥兒歌唱

Let’s take a car and go for a ride讓我們乘車一起兜風吧

Hey ,hey, hey, it’s a beautiful day嘿,嘿,嘿,美麗的星期天

Let’s drive on and follow the sun讓我們繼續開車跟隨陽光走

Makin’ Sunday go on and on並讓美麗的星期日永遠留下

Hey ,hey, hey, it’s a beautiful day嘿,嘿,嘿,美麗的星期天

*Ha, ha, ha, beautiful Sunday哈,哈,哈,美麗的星期天

This is, my, my, my, beautiful day這是屬於我的美麗星期天

When you said, said, said, said that you love me當你一再說,妳愛我

Woo, my, my, my, it’s a beautiful day…. 親愛的,今天是屬於我的美麗星期天

 *Ha, ha, ha, beautiful Sunday

It is, my my, my, beautiful day*

When you said, said, said, said that you love me

Woo, my, my, my ,beautiful day


2)     Enjoy the music: 請欣賞音樂


3)    本曲特色

A.     曲調輕鬆、活潑,是fox trot快四步狐步曲

B.     歌詞短、有力,仍用前述的iambic -揚抑格唱法

C.     畫線歌曲乃押脚韻,如lark-parkside-ridesun-on

D.     全曲用hey, hey, heyha, ha, hamy,my,my;與said,said,said等,且重複使用,更顯出青春的活力。是一位young lover(年青戀人)? 是位『小人物的狂想曲-a small potato’s daydreaming?

E.     Let’s drive on and follow the sun讓我們乘車跟隨陽光走,Makin’ (and make)Sunday go on and on這是極romanticfantasia(幻想曲) ,乘車追陽光,而使陽光久留? 這是另一首鼓勵人樂觀進取的曲子。Can every Sunday be beautiful? (難道每星期日都那麽美好?) Yes, if you look at things on the bright side! (是的,如果你樂觀的)

F.      英語說,This is my day. 意謂今天我很得意。This is my, my, my, beautiful Sunday. 三個my 强調『的確屬於我的』。至於Sunday是否beautiful,端看你有無joyous /cheerful (愉快)的心情(mood) 而定。若心情不爽 (in low spirits),即使sunny weather(麗日當)and the sun is smiling(太陽對你微笑),你照樣感到bored(厭煩)

所以朋友們:請記住:天氣好壞與心情有密切關連,因為when you smile, the sun smiles at you,too; when you cry, you cry alone! -當你笑時,太陽也一起笑;但你哭時無人陪你』

 Have a Beautiful Sunday! 周末愉快!

Justin Lai, 譯評 07/07/2013













