2013年7月3日 星期三

字詞研究 (11)

字詞研究 (11)

32) contest / context:

1. contest n. 競賽;比賽 = competitionbeauty ~ 選美比賽
Joseph won the first place in the speech contest.  Joseph 在演講比賽中得第一

the first place第一名,the champion冠軍;亞軍-the runner-up;季軍-the third place

contest v. 競争、争論。~ ant n. 比賽者 * 比較test n. 試驗  
text n. 正文;本文~ book 教科書;contestation n. = controversy争論;contested election争論性的選舉

2. context n. 上下文;in the ~ of ..…..情況而言;in this context.. 就此而論
Until we understand ~, which is way beyond presence- presence is the most trivial notion of ~. 》直到我們瞭解上下文義,它是遠超出現在;現在是上下文義最微不足道的想法。

33) coarse / course/ cause /curse:

1. coarse  a. 粗的 = rough與下列 course 屬於發音接近字不高雅的(not delicate in action) ~ behavior行為~ joke低級笑話。coarse fish(es) 淡水魚
In a suit of ~ clothes, he used ~ (vulgar)language.他穿一套粗衣褲並且口出惡言。

2. course n. 過程路in due ~ 不久終將in the ~ of time 終於as a matter of ~ 當然之事in the ordinary ~ of events= usually通常(疾病或事態)take (run) its (their) course…= develop naturally順其自然發展
They take it as a matter of ~ = They take it for granted. 他們認為理所當然。

3. cause n. ~ and effect因果關係make common ~ with someone為某目的而共同努力show ~ (法律用字) 呈供理由。Don’t complain without cause. 別無緣無故的抱怨。

 cause v. 引起 We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the delay. 因為誤點而引起你們的不便,我們表示歉意。

4. curse  n. v.詛咒辱罵C~ on you! the mummy’s ~  木乃伊詛咒症 (進入金字塔參觀木乃伊後離奇暈倒或死亡症狀而懷疑乃遭亡魂詛咒所致故謂之。﹞

curse n. 引發不幸/邪惡:Foxes can be a curse to farmers. 狐狸可能帶給農夫不幸。

cursed a. 惱人的:I wish that cursed dog would be quiet. 但願那隻煩死人的狗不吠。I hate the cursed (hateful)fool. 我不喜歡那位可恨的笨蛋。

34) contact / contract:          

1. contact  n. vt. ~  + n. 接觸、接洽

For further detail, please ~ us by calling this number. 欲知進一步詳 (請打這個電話號碼與我們連絡)
His name is not in my contact list. 他的名字未列入我的名單中。

Contagion is spreading of a disease by ~   靠接觸而散佈疾病謂之傳染

People usually avoid visual ~ with the homeless. 人們經常避免與無家可歸的人相視。keep in ~ (touch) with + 保持連繫。The poor madman has lost contact with reality. 那位可憐的瘋子已與現實脫節。
** ~ lens 隱形眼鏡  (lens: 光學鏡片)

2. contract  vt. 

a. 訂約 a general contractor 包商a sub-contractor 小包商 (僅包單項工程) a ~ed killer 職業兇手。enter a contract with…. 訂條約

contract n. 合約a verbal ~ 口頭合約 (written ~書面合約)

Marriage is a personal relation arising out of a civil ~between a man and a woman. 婚姻乃衍生自男女之間民事合約之個人關係。

b.感染 (~ a disease)

c.縮小 Can’t is the ~ ed form of “can not” Can’t can not 之縮寫。contraction n. PVC (Premature Ventricular ~心律不整)

Justin Lai, 07/03/2013






