2013年7月10日 星期三

字詞研究 (13)

字詞研究 (13)

39) corps /corpse:

1. corps [kor] n. 一團體的人

Marine C~ 陸戰隊 Peace C~ 和平軍;Youth C~ 青年軍但,Salvation Army救世軍 (美國一收集捐贈物品轉送貧困人們的團體)

 core n.果核,與corps 同音。
These government officials are rotten to the core. 這些政府官員十分惡劣 (壞透了)

*nut n. 硬核 (core之外殼); He is a hard ~ to crack. 他是難纒的人

2. corpse [ korps ]n.屍體 = dead body; remains n. 殘骸;﹝mortuary停屍間﹞

Funeral home staffs are too overwhelmed to bury corpses.  殯儀館工作人員太悲傷了,以致無法埋藏屍體 (因為有太多死難的人) 
The next morning the corpse of the suspect was found at the scene. 次晨嫌犯的屍體在現場附近被發現。

** coffin n.棺木 (大厝台語)casket n.骨灰盒;骨甕 (金斗台語)

*cop n.員警(口語)cops 複數;the police (複數)a policeman = a cop

*cope v. = meet with and try to overcome problems克服 (困難)
It is this sudden change of mood that he felt he could never cope with.

* coup [ku] n. = sudden, successful action突然成功一擊
The first meet of these two leaders is regarded as a diplomatic~. 兩位領袖初次會面被認為是外交大突破。

scoop n. 獨家新聞just-in最新消息;breaking news號外

40) dairy / diary:

1. dairy n. 乳製品;牛奶店 ~ maid 擠奶女工;~ farm 酪農場;~ cattle 乳牛

2. diary  n. 日記; keep a ~ 寫日記
To keep track of everything, he forms a habit of keeping a diary. 為了記載一切事,他養成每天

l journal n. 航海日誌;(= log) 記載;(odyssey:海上航行) journal of medicine 醫學
記要;the Wall Street J~ (紐約) 華爾街日報 (有關財經的報紙)

* calendar n.日曆,blog n. blogger布落格 (電腦中登載的記事)

                                                                                                                                                                                             41) 41) desert/dessert/ (abandon / forsake): 

1. dessert n. U/ C (作可數和不可數名詞) 主菜後之甜點」
Usually after an entrée, a ~ is served. 通常主菜上完之後,就供應甜點。

比較:sweet n. 甜點心;甜食

You won’t have a hard time finding perfect sweets for your sweet.
  你毫不費力地為你的愛人找到精美的甜食(註:第二sweetsweet heart)

2. desert v.遺棄;本字發音與 dessert
a. He ~ ed his loved one and escaped alone. 他遺棄愛人獨自逃亡。

b. The soldier was ~ ed. 這位士兵是逃兵- 開小差

比較desertion n. 遺棄
The soldier was sentenced to one month of hard labor for ~ 士兵因開小差而被處一個月勞動懲罰。deserter n. 逃兵

c. The street is ~ ed at midnight. 午夜時街道冷清清。
= At midnight no one is to be seen on the street *

d. 喪失= fail His presence of mind deserts him. 他喪失鎮靜。

deserts n. (限複數) 應得的賞罰 They met with their ~.


* abandon vt. 放棄 = give up
The captain finally decided to ~ the ship.   艦長最後他們決定棄船。

Hurricane lashes a city abandoned. 颶風猛襲一座城市使其變成死城。

**forsake  vt. = desert 遺棄 (人或地方)
“Do not ~ me, oh, my darling!”  親愛的,請勿遺棄我。這是美國電影經典名作 High Noon
中譯「日正當中」主題曲(女主角Grace Kelly 乃當摩洛哥國王之母)     

forsake  forsook forsaken;  a forsaken temple 一座棄廟

* waive vt. = give up= forego放棄;省下North Korea ~ s nuclear programs.   北韓放棄核武計劃。

3. desert n. 沙漠
In a ~ drinking water is scarce. 在沙漠上飲水缺乏。the Sahara D~撒哈拉沙漠;the Gobi D~

Justin Lai, 07/09/2013




