2013年8月27日 星期二

字詞研究 (27)

字詞研究 (27)

72) loyal / royal:

1. loyal a. 忠心的 be ~ to + (對忠心) loyalty n.

We are as brand ~ as you are; loyalty is a two-way street.
我們像你們一樣忠於品牌;忠誠是條雙向車道(brand loyal =
loyal to a branda two-way street=reciprocal互相的)

A loyal New Yorker finally punctures all those rumors about his redoubtable 
mayor. 一位忠誠的紐約市市民終於戳破了,所有有關他那位令人恐懼的
(註:puncture'pKHtNQv. 戳破;redoubtable a. = formidable 令人恐懼的)

比較faithful a. 忠貞不二的 (強調信仰或感情等)“O come, O ye ~! 來吧信徒門!(基督教聖歌)

Mr. Jones is found unfaithful to his wife.  Jones 先生被發現對太太不忠。

chaste a. 貞潔的;chastity n. 貞節;~ belt (古歐洲) 貞節帶;fidelity貞節

2. royal  a.王室的 ~ road 指豪華的康莊大道;

A proverb goes, “There is no royal road to learning.諺語這麼說:

R~ Army 皇家陸軍

royalty n. 王位; 版稅Most ~ ies of the book shall go to charity. 本書大部分的版稅所得將捐給慈善機構。

3. royal n. 王室、皇族

In less than two months after marrying Prince Charles, royals attack her and 
Camilla collapses.在嫁給查理斯王太子不到兩個月,王室攻擊她Camilla 
崩潰了(collapse v. = cave in 崩潰)

73) mass / mess/ miss/ moss/Muslin:

1. mass [ m$s] n. 一大堆;the ~es 大眾;~ rally 群眾集會;~ production
~ communication 大眾資訊;大量生產 ; ~ destruction 大規模破壞

The mass communication plays an important role in modern world.

*比較massive  a.大的;多的a ~ number of troops 許多軍隊;~ famine 
普遍飢荒 ~ n.Mass 彌撒;go to ~ 去望彌撒

*enormous a. = huge; vast巨大的

They had enormously difficult time obtaining the information. 他們要取得此資訊遭遇很大困難。

2. mess [mGs ] n. 零亂;髒亂 in a ~ 一團糟;亂七八糟 make a ~ of + 事物
The new computer system’s failure made a ~of everything. 新電腦的當機攪亂
What a ~ (it is)! 多麼髒亂! mortgage ~ 房屋貸款的亂象 (subprime mortgage crisis – 2007年美國發生的次貸危機)

~ v. One car braking abruptly on a busy road can ~things up for miles.

mess around.  V.鬼混,亂搞

3. miss:  v. 錯過:Walk two blocks and then make it right.  You won’t miss it. 走兩條街,然後右轉。你一定找得到。

Don’t miss out! 別錯過。miss (catch)a train未搭上(趕上)火車;比較train a miss(訓練一位小姐) miss one’s cue忘記台詞;miss one badly十分想念。

A miss is as good as a mile.” 小失誤仍算失誤(失之毫釐繆以千里)

4. moss n. 青苔。”A rolling stone gathers no moss.滾石不生苔= 轉業不聚財= A person who always changes his occupation succeeds in nothing.


5. Muslin n. 回教徒 (穆斯林) = Mohammedan  

Justin Lai



