2013年8月22日 星期四

字詞研究 (26)

字詞研究 (26)

70) lose / loss:  

1. lose v. lost lost get lost 迷路 比較:〔Get lost ! 滾蛋!〕

be lost in + n. 熱衷於 (=lose oneself in..= be wrapped up in + V-ing)
Tom was lost in collecting matchboxes.  Tom熱衷於收集火柴盒。

*lose + obj之慣用成語:

~ weight變瘦;~ one’s temper/ reason/ head/ heart to/ balance/ way/ tongue (動怒/發狂/衝動/愛上/平衡/迷路/說不出話);~ control失去控制;~ ground失去上風

2. loss n. 失去;損失: (常見慣用語)

the ~ of health 失去健康;the ~ of a game 比賽輸了;the ~ of eyesight失明;** the gain and ~ of a business 生意的盈虧

Exercise is a key factor in adding weight ~ and also keeps to sustain good health.

The nation felt a profound sense of ~. 全國感到極深的失落感。

be at a ~ 茫然 = be mixed up = be confused = be perplexed= be bewildered 
We were at a loss what to do next. 我們不知道下一步該怎麼做。
She is at a ~ for words她困惑得說不出話來

71) lunch / luncheon/ /lounge /launch:

1. lunch n. 普通一般午餐;There is no free ~.天下沒有白吃的午餐。

2. luncheon  n. 正式的午宴

A ~ was held in honor of the king at the White House. 在白宮舉行一項午宴以國王為主賓。

比較supper n. 一般晚餐 dinner n. 正式晚餐;diner n. 用餐者

banquet n.()宴;brunch n. = breakfast + lunch +午餐 (如廣東人
之飲茶) buffet  (法文) n. 自助餐 = all U (you) can eat 吃到飽

3. lounge  n. 休閑室;~ chair 休閑椅;涼椅

Smoke from blazing barbecues fills the air and spectators lunch and lounge in 
lawn chairs as they watch friends and family descend into a drop zone.


(lunch lounge 均作動詞)

4. launch n. vt. 發動; 發射;發行;~ an attack on the enemy 對敵人
發動攻擊~ a rocket, a space shuttle 發射火箭,太空梭;~ a campaign 發起

a. Evans pushes the button that ~ chemicals that paint the sky and amaze the crowd.
Evans 按了按鈕,它啟動了化學品 (fireworks 煙火),這些化學品把天空漆成五顏六色,並使觀眾們驚嘆。

b. When this publication ~ed a decade ago, many of you were weighing the options of ~ ing your Web-site.  十年前當本刊物發行時,你們許多人在衡量,是否該選擇創始你們的網站。
~ n.
a.     NASA readies for ~, (n.) and holds its breath. 美國太空總署屏息
b. Shuttle ~ is delayed until late next week. 太空梭的發射延後到下周
Justin Lai




