「嫁娶篇」-Taiwanese Slang on Matrimony
Pronounced as: “keh dio kut-lat an, tang
sim dih puh sahn goh tang”
When married to a hard working husband, the couple work hard
unanimously, and become rich in less than three to five years
2) 嫁著貧憚尪,火燒菇寮全無望
Pronounced as: “keh dio bin-duanh an, hui
shio goh liao zhuan bo ban”
When married to a husband who is
a lazy bone, all is hopeless just like a mushroom hut burned down.
3) 嫁著散赤尪,米甕定定攏空空
Pronounced as: “keh dio san chiah an, bih
arn dian dian long karn karn”
When married to a husband who is
stricken with poverty, she finds the urn for rice always empty.
註:散赤=貧窮;米甕= 裝米用的小容器;定定=常常
4) 嫁著鱸鰻尪,心臟像底爆米香
Pronounced as: “keh dio loh muan an, sim
zhong chiun deh pong bih pan”
When married to a rascal, her heart is like rice popped, always
註:鱸鰻= 流氓;爆米香= popcorn 爆米花,台灣用白米
5) 嫁著跋檄尪,勤勤儉儉無采工
Pronounced as: “keh dio puah kiao an, kin
kin kiam kiam boh chai gan”
When married to a gambler, it is futile for a woman to try to save
註:跋檄= 賭博;無彩工= 徒勞無功
6) 嫁著風流尪,心情鬱卒袂輕鬆
Pronounced as:” keh dio hong liu an, sim
ching oot zhut bue kin
When married
to a husband who has so many affairs, she always feels depressed, unable to
rest at ease.
註:鬱卒= 憂鬱;袂=不
Pronounced as:”
yan tao an, kao meh kan”
handsome husband cannot stay with his wife every night.
7) 嫁著歹歹尪,認真打拼吃袂空
Pronounced as:” keh dio pine pine an, rin
jin pah bianh zhia buei kang”
When married to a husband who is common-place though, she can be provided
all lifelong.
(Pronounced as: buei keh an, buei keh an, keh dio jit eeh lao tua
(Pronounced as: chui chiu hoh hoh, bat zhiu toh toh, chin chiun
hui shia yan tang koh)
(With whiskers and bulging eyes,
he looks like a factory chimney)
8) 娶著水水某,歸瞑免睏免穿褲
Pronounced as:” chuah dio shui shui boh,
kui meih ben kun ben ching koh”
When married to a pretty and sexy woman, he is kept busy the whole
night through.
另,「娶著水某歹照顧」 (Pronounced as:”chuah dio shui boh, pine
jiao koh)
意謂:美貌妻子難伺候- It is hard to please a beautiful wife.
9) 娶著賢慧某,卡好三個天公祖
Pronounced as:” chuah dio hian hui boh,
kah hoh san eeh t’nn gong zhoh”
When married to a woman, able and intelligent, he has a housewife
preferable to three grandfathers of heaven.
註:卡好=勝過;天公祖= heavenly father
10) 娶著有錢某,對著事業有幫助
Pronounced as:”chuah dio ooh zhin boh, dui
dio shi giap ooh pang zho.”
When married to a wealthy wife, he can get some help with his
11) 娶著散赤某,勤儉持家好照顧
Pronounced as: “chuah dio san chiah boh,
kin kiam keen geh ho zhiao goh”
When married to a very poor wife, he finds in her a thrifty
housekeeper and good caretaker”
12) 娶著貧憚某,吃飽七逃嫌艱苦
Pronounced as: “chuah dio pin-duanh bo,
zhia pah chit toh hiam kan koh”
When married to a lazy woman, he has her fooling around all day
13) 娶著跋檄某,定定出入拘留所
Pronounced as: “ chuah dio pua kiao bo,
dian dian chu rib kuh liu soh”
When married to a female gambler, he has her going in and out of a
14) 娶著赤查某,親像惹熊擱惹虎
Pronounced as: “chua dio cha zhah bo, riah
him goh riah hoh”
When married to a harsh and unreasonable woman, he has brought in metaphorically
a wild bear and tiger.
(Pronounced as:buei chua che, buei chua che, chua dio jit eeh lao
cha peh)
頭毛白白,鼻子小小,親像厝內的飯犁。 (Pronounced as:tao moh peh peh, peen-ah shuei shuei, chin chiun
tsuh rai eeh b’nn reh)
(With silvery hair and a small nose, she looks like a rice panel
at home)
Editor’s Comment: 譯者看法
1) From verse one to 7, it is traditionally
rhymed at: 冬、望、空、香、工、鬆、空;from 8-14, rhymed at 褲、祖、助、顧、苦、所、虎。
2) Absurd or out of date as these
slang might sound to you, they are vivid reflection of social customs, values
in which the Taiwanese people lived several centuries ago. Compared with the
times we are living in, we may find there exist some divergences in culture and
mentality between then and now.
Nonetheless, some verses regarding human nature remain the same, still
applying to the ways of modern times.
朋友你的尪是什麽款人? 你的某是何等查某?
Lai (賴正雄) 譯註