2014年8月14日 星期四

字詞研究 (81)

字詞研究 (81)

(Words with Identical Roots)

76) honorable/ honorary / honored:
以上三字均由 honor  轉成:

a.     honorable adj.值得尊敬的 = respectablethe Honorable+姓名the H~ Kenneth 
Huntington (大人) = the Reverend + 姓名 (Kenneth

b. honored a. 被尊敬的
Among Greek philosophers Socrates is more ~than any others. 在希臘哲學家中

c. honorary adj. 榮譽的;~ degree 榮譽學位;~ member榮譽會員
Though Mark Twain never attended school, he was conferred an ~ degree of doctor.
雖然未上過學,但馬克吐恩被頒授榮譽博士學位。(an ~ doctorate榮譽博士)  
Ph. D. = Philosophical Doctor 博士;Ph. D. 乃博士之通稱,不似
理學、醫學等,如:醫學博士某某 (姓名) ;英美之用法為:姓名+ Ph. D.
如:Steve H. Schneider, Ph. D. 如用Dr. 則須加在姓名之前Dr. Steve H.
Schneider. 但,一般通稱Dr. 不一定是真正具有博士學位,因Dr. 有時指
Medical Doctor(醫生) ;故若一位醫生兼具博士可同時表示兩種學位:
Robert J. Peterson, M.D. & Ph.D. (Peterson 醫生兼醫學博士)  

或運動外衣、夾克來穿,過過乾癮,如Stanford ColumbiaHarvard
等。也有外衣上印著:PHD( 並非已取得博士學位) PHD 下方再註明:
* Papa Had Dough  ---(我老爸有錢) He is a papa rich. 他是有錢老爹。

AB:「Do you get an MBA?(你有MBA學位嗎?) –MBA企管碩士
=Master of Business Administration

B答道:「Yes, I do have one Major Bank Account.(是,我銀行存款不少。)

77) immunity / immunization:
1. immune adj. 免疫 be ~ to + 疾病 (免疫)~ antibody免疫抗體
The Pope’s dogma is a circular system that is ~ to reasoned query. 教宗的教條
是一圓融的系統,它可免受慎思的質問(query =inquiry)

AIDS = Acquired ~ Deficiency Syndrome 後天免疫不足症候群(俗稱愛滋病)
a.     be ~ from 免除.(責任;義務)
b.     be ~ against attacks 免受攻擊之虞                  
比較:a. ** be insulated from絕緣insulation 隔熱或絕緣物
 b.** be isolated from… 與…孤立isolation n.

2. immunize  vt. immunology n. 免疫學   
Flu vaccination ~ s people against influenza.  感冒疫苗使人對感冒免疫

a.     immunization  n. (對疾病的) 免疫
immune-suppressant 抑制免疫能力的葯物

b. immunity n. 責任義務的免除diplomatic ~ 外交豁免權
Genghis Khan was the first leader to grant diplomatic ~to envoys and ambassadors,
including those from hostile nations.


Justin Lai


