2014年8月9日 星期六

字詞研究 (80)

字詞研究 (80)


(Words with Identical Roots)

74) generalize / generate/ (manufacture/beget):

general  a.一般的

1. generalize vt. = make….general   概括; 歸納; 一般化

2. generate  vt. 原意指produce (offspring 後代) 生下;引申

意義為  bring…into being 產生; ~ 雖有「生產」之義,但下句不宜用produce

a. The manager believed that this new business plan can ~greater revenue.


b. Conversely, environmentalists are able to ~funds for programs they believe
are in public’s interest.


c. Solar electricity enables you to ~ electricity- spin your electric meter backwards.

太陽能發電使你能夠製造電力- 使你的電錶數字迴轉-(即省電)

*generator n.發電機

*generation n.世代 from ~to ~世代相傳;~ gap 代溝。generate 之相反詞

degenerate v. 退步,墮落,沈淪

It wasn’t until the 20th century that pessimism ~d into an expression of political
or intellectual abuse. 直到20世紀,悲觀主義才沈淪為表達政治或智慧的濫用。


a. manufacture vt. 製造 (用材料)

These products are mostly ~ d in some Asian countries but assembled in the U.S.


The aircraft is manufactured, not the sincerity. 飛機是製造的,但我們的

(服務)不是。 (航空公司廣告其親切的服務)

b. beget vt. = produce; cause  製造;引起 (看不見的)

Hatred ~s hatred冤冤相報;仇恨引發仇恨。

Terror ~s terror; fear ~s fear- until the hysteria exhausts itself.  Have we reached the end of
this cycle?

恐怖產生恐怖;害怕產生害怕- 直到雙方均感歇斯底里亞到極點。難到


c. Success breeds success.  成就造就成就。(breed vt.養育= bring up)

75) gracious /graceful:

grace n.恩賜; 仁慈

It’s the ~ and love of God that makes the earth full of life.


 * 拉丁民族如西班牙人、義大利人以Gracias (grace) 表示「感謝」但,

法文則以Merci (mercy 慈悲),德文之Danke 則與英文Thank 接近。

They give us three days as grace periods for rent payments. 他們給予我們三天


1. gracious a. 和善的compassionate;仁慈的 (指心腸)

She is a lady with a ~ heart. 她是位慈善的女土。

用於感嘆句,表示驚奇 Good ~! / G ~ me! 天啊! ~ 優美 (指動作或結講)

2. graceful a. 優美的 (指動作movement或表情expression) gracefully 

adv. = with grace

We delighted in watching the ~movements of the ballet dancers. 我們喜歡看到


Justin Lai




