2013年9月10日 星期二

字詞研究 (31)

字詞研究 (31)

79) patent/ pattern:

1. patent n. 專利,專利權

a. Any imitation of this product is against ~ law of intellectual property right.

b. More technology ~s are created each year at Caltech than any region in the US.

(註:Caltech= California Institute of Technology)

letters patent專利權狀patent medicines專利葯品patentee

patent a. 專利的,明顯的

It is patent to everyone that he takes to the idea. 顯然他喜歡這個想法。

2. pattern n. 型式 (model, design)

a. You have to alter your life~ to adjust to new environment. 為調適新環境,你不得不變更生活方 sentence ~s 句型

b. Back in our studio, we combined the different ~s to create our striking designs.

c. He’s back in the same old ~: leaves at 6 a.m., eats lunch at his desk and doesn’t get home until after 6 p.m.


pattern n. 模範,典型She is a ~ of all the virtues. 她是一切美德的典範。

pattern v. 仿造,模仿:

This is a dress patterned on a Paris model. 這是一件仿製巴黎的時裝。He patterned himself upon his predecessor. 他模前任者。

80) pass/ passé /passed / past/ paste / pest:          

1. pass v. 過去式和過去分詞為 passed   passed

~ a test / an exam 考試及格;美國規定汽車每隔一段時間須作排煙測試 (smog test),有商人為招徠生意,打出廣告“Pass or free re-test(保證通過,否則免費重測)

     a. + come to ~ = occur = happen 發生

No one knows how the murder came to ~ 無人知曉此謀殺事件何時發生。

b. + ~ the time of day (彼此打招呼)
They stopped at the corner and paused to ~ the time of day. 他們在街角落停下來互相打招呼。


~ away去世,~ by忽略,置之不用,~ out昏倒,~over移交,

** pass n.通行; a boarding pass登機証。關口; ~ word口令; 密碼 比較* passage n. 通道;旅行;passenger 旅客。make a pass at +  送秋波

2. past 可作下列不同詞性:

a. adj. 過去的; 最近的
for (in, during) + the ~ + 一段時間強調過去或最近一段時間 以來之動作或狀態。常與現在完成現在完成進行式連用

During the past decade the population of the city has been increasing. 過去十年來,城市人口一直增加著

b. ~ n. 過去; 過去之事a happening in the ~ 過去發生的一件事
in the past = formerly = previously 從前

It was never heard in the ~. 從前未聽過此事

In the~, the publication’s focus was singularly technology. 從前這

c. adv.  He walked ~ 他走過去

d. prep. (介詞) 超過; 經過

It is thirty minutes ~ five. 現在是五點半He ran ~ the store. 他走過商店。

** be+ ~ + n. / Ving ** (無法被…..)

i. According to the doctor, his illness is past= (beyond) remedy

ii. His drinking habit is ~ remedy. (=incurable) 他的酗酒習慣已

iii. He is ~ praying for.  他已無可救藥

I wouldn’t put it past him to turn his back on us. 我認為他有可能背叛我。
(not put it on + +to+V) 認為有可能做.

past a. 任期已滿的:a ~ president前任主席

passé: 過氣的;過時的= past one’s past; no longer current; out of date

He is a politician ~他是過時的政客。

*patsy: n. = a person easily imposed upon. (易於受强迫的人)

paste v. 黏貼:
A notice is ~ d on the bulletin board. 通告貼在公佈欄~ n. 糊狀物:tooth ~ 牙膏

pest n. 害蟲:
We hired a ~ control company to expel all the termites on the property.  我們僱用除蟲公司來驅除房屋內之白蟻


pest n. 討厭的人物。He is a regular pest of the village. 他是村中十足令人討厭


Justin Lai編著


