2013年9月3日 星期二

字詞研究 (29)

字詞研究 (29)

75) miner / minor:

1. minor n. 未成年人

You are a ~ in this state until the age of twenty-one. 20歲前在本州你仍是未成年。也用teenager(1319teen age-未成年的小孩,過20twenty) ;或用adolescent =youth

minor之另一名詞為minority少數者,the minority leader少數黨領袖
minor a. 次要的:minor planets小行星=asteroidsminor poets次要的詩人。

They left their hometown in a minor key. (帶著憂鬱的心情他們離開家鄉)

2. mine n. 礦,a gold ~ 金礦 (mineral n. 礦物) a land ~ 雷; (a mine detector地雷探測器) 。另作來源解 (= resource)

A good encyclopedia is a ~ of information. 一部好的百科全書是智識的寶庫。

The old man had lived in the village all his life, and he is a mine of information about its history. 老人一輩子住在村莊,對其歷史瞭若指掌。

The salesman says,” We’ll help you to turn e-Bay into a gold ~.推銷員說:「我們會幫您把舊物拍賣網站變成金礦。」
 ~ v. 開採;miner n. 礦工     

a. He has been a miner in the Pennsylvania mines for many years. 他曾經在賓州當了許多年礦工。     
First it was joyful news, then came a tragedy about  miners. 對於這些礦工,首先傳來的是(生還的) 好消息;繼之則是悲慘的消息 (罹難)

76) moral / morale:

1. moral a. 道德的 ~ courage 道德勇氣~ conduct 品行      
Remarkable and timely, this film takes the single greatest ~ challenge of our time出色又適時的,這部電影接受我們這時代單項最大的道德挑戰。

moral certainty: 十分確定:It was a moral certainty that the army would be withdrawn. 軍隊確定會撤。

moral support道義支持;moral courage道德勇氣;moral standards道德標準
~ n.  寓意;教訓

The class understood the moral of the story.  班上同學明白這個故事的教訓。morality n.  

比較:ethics n. 倫理學,道德。Medical ethics forbid doctors to reveal their patients’ confidences. 醫療道德禁止醫師透露病人隱私。

ethical a. unethical 不道德(指職業)
It is unethical for an agent to disclose the bottom price of a property he is entrusted to sell. 透露一位經紀人所委託出售的土原底價是不道德的。

immoral a. 不道德的(指品行) immorality n.

2. morale n. 士氣 = the mental condition of a person or a group.

a. A series of unexpected defeats destroyed the team’s morale. 一連串意外的被打敗,毀了整個球隊士氣。

Increasingly hostile resistance has taken a terrible toll on ~.逐漸升高的仇視抵抗,已對士氣造成沈重打擊3. mortal a. 凡人的 (有一定歲數的) 

immortal  a.不朽的。 “Man is mortal; God is immortal.” 凡人有定歲數;老天則是不朽的。

It is beyond mortal power to bring a dead man back to life. 使死人復活非凡人所能。


a.     指程度上很大It’s a mortal shame that she’s paid so little. (She deserves much higher wages. 她應得更高待遇)

b.    可能的She does every mortal thing to please her husband. 她盡一切可能來討好她丈夫。

c.     令人厭煩的長(tiringly long)He had to wait a mortal time before the doctor could see him. 他須等一段漫長時間才輪到看病。

d.    致命的He received a mortal (fatal) wound in the battle. 在戰鬥中受重傷。
mortality n. ~ rate死亡率

比較:survival rate存活率。 immortality n. 但,the Eight Immortals 八仙 (中國民間神話)

比較:eternity n. 永恆,來世,漫長時刻:It seemed an eternity before news of his release reached us. 似乎經過漫長時間,我們才獲知他獲釋的消息。* 以前好萊塢有一電影名叫 “From Here to Eternity”(從現今到永生)

Justin Lai 編著




