2013年9月8日 星期日



1.火燒脚後跟 迫在眉睫a very imminent / or impending risk or danger

2. 阿里山碰壁 財務極度困難,又無人願伸出援手becoming financially helpless, or coming to a desperate end

3. 入宅無宰人 即使是自己的敵人或仇人,既然敢登門求見,就不該砍殺他(強調君子待人之風度)

Even if he is an enemy, he shall not be killed or harmed by you when he sets his foot in your house.

4. 吃好做勤可 好吃懶做 a lazy bone

5.無毛雞假大架 a bird, thin and without many feathers, pretending to be a fat and pompous one

6. 飼老鼠咬布袋 被照顧的人不知報恩,反而恩將仇報Though sponsored by someone else, a person  doing something bad in return.

7. 挖鼻屎吃鹹鹹 佔了他人便宜,又故裝不知情
one taking advantage of others, and pretending not to be aware of it.

8. 乞食身、皇帝嘴 講話的大口氣與低身分極不相配
Though a beggar, one talks as if he were an emperor.
The tone with which one talks does not consist with one’s status.

9. 慢一步站無路  慢一点來,連站立的位置也沒有Be prompt, or you will even lose standing room. Be prompt or will miss any chance of watching or participating.

10.趙子龍救阿斗(三國故事) a general trying to save a stupid young king from danger.

11.相打沒過田岸 一個半斤,一個八兩,不相上下
Both are the same; one is not better than the other.

12. 先生緣、主人福 A patient depends on his good chance of being healed by meeting with a good medical doctor.

Justin Lai 編譯




