2013年9月2日 星期一

文法淺釋系列 (29 )

文法淺釋系列 (29 )

38) 隨身攜帶某物該如何說?

應說:sb () +Vt+ () + with+ 受格(人稱代名詞) 不可接反身代名詞 (-self)常見的及物動詞為
“take, have, get, bring”等

Next time you go into the woods, bring a knife with you.  下次進入森林時,隨身

I don’t have a pen with me; will a pencil do?  Yes, it will do. (我未帶筆,鉛筆行嗎? 行。)

答句用 it will doIt = the + pencil指已提過的特定名詞;而one = a + n.,則指泛指性的名詞

** 比較
a.     Do you have a pen?  Yes, I have one. 你有筆? 我有。

b.    We’re looking for a rewarding career and searching for a way to energize the one 

we already have. 我們正尋找一 個有益的事業,並尋找使我們這個已擁有的
事業有活力的方法。(the one =the career)

c. The greatest mistake you can make in life is to continually fear you will make one在人生中你犯的最大錯誤就是,不斷地害怕會犯錯。(one= a mistake)                         
2. a +形容詞+ one (ones).

a. For some marines, the next battlefield is an emotional one. 對某些陸戰隊員,下一個戰場是感情的戰場---即和自己的感情交戰。

b. There are three pandas in the cage; one white one, and two black ones. 籠子內有三隻熊猫;一隻白色的;兩隻黑色的。   
3. the one = that (the +單數名詞); the ones = those (the +複數名詞)

The pen I bought is more expensive than the one (=that) you have.                     
The pens I bought are more expensive than the ones (=those) you have.我買的筆比

Tonight you said that the politics of lifting people up beats the politics of tearing people down. 晚你們說激發人們的政治,打敗了打垮人們的政治。

39) each other; one another 指兩個或兩個以上之人或物之間 「互相」稱為 reciprocal pronoun(相互代名詞) 但,each other 強調「雙方之間」

Joe and I are going to find out what each other is like. (Joe和我會去發覺彼此之共同點。) 
We know what each other wants. = We know each what the other wants. = Each 
of us knows what the other wants. 我們知道彼此的需要。

We don’t want us to get on each other’s nerves. 我們不想把彼此弄得緊張兮兮。

Men often know one another’s deepest feelings by a look or a nod, not by talking.”

40) 人稱代名詞的格應與其同位的名詞一致

For the first time, Robert and I are filing income tax forms by ourselves. (Robert 和我首次獨自申報所得稅)ourselves  為反身代名詞, 此處與Robert and
(複合主詞) 地位一致,但,I myself will take care of it. 我要親自處理它。myself 作加強語氣用。

41) 避免混淆的代名詞用法:

I forgot my umbrella and my flashlight.  When I thought about my forgetfulness, I laughed. (我忘了雨傘和手電筒。想到我的健忘就笑起來)
forgetfulness指整件 健忘之事;不宜用 it 代替它,因it在此處可指umbrella f

42) 接在 manymuch(不定代名詞) 後動詞的單複數用法

a. many  pro. 代名詞,(指可數的複數名詞) = many +複數名詞

Many respond to our requests for volunteers. (許多人回應我們徵用義工的請求)
b. much  pro. 代名詞,(指不可數的名詞),後接單數動詞:

Much was expected, but little was gained.  期待很多,但實際收穫不多。


Justin Lai  編著



