2015年4月22日 星期三

字詞研究 (98)

字詞研究 (98)

(Words with Identical Roots)

115) profession /professional:

1. profession n. 專業 He is an attorney by ~ 他是律師。professional a.
專業的 a ~ boxer職業拳擊師
profession: 指須經高等教育才能得到的職位,如acting ~ (演戲行業)

vcation: 則特別強調興趣和獻身的用法: finding he had a ~ for the ministry, though he ended 
up in the legal profession instead. 老早就發現他的志趣在當牧師,不過後來卻從事法律工作

occupation: 僅限於vocation最後這種沒有特殊涵義的用法: drawn from occupations as 

diverse as medicine and carpentry. 取自各種如醫學與木工那種截然不同的行業。

2. professional n. 職業的 (人士) amateur業餘選手

Only amateurs can take part in Olympic Games. 僅業餘選手才可參加奧運會。
在台灣與日本,常以 pro (讀作普羅”) professional ;而在賭場中pro 則指
郎中」Since this is a beginner’s dive, a pro jumps with each participant.
*注意professor 教授之簡寫為 Prof.  Prof. Schultz Schultz 教授

116) proposal /proposition:

proposal; proposition 均由 propose v. (提議; 建議)轉成:

Man proposes, God disposes. 謀事在人,成事在天。
a. ~ that + 子句       b. ~ (marriage) to + (.求婚)        
1. proposal  n. 暗指含有嘗試性,特別暗含經由討論而合作的情況,但須先取得一項plan

a ~ approved by the committeebut defeated at the general meting委員會核准但被大會推翻的

i. 提出以供考慮的事 (something put forward for consideration)
The committee has evaluated a ~ to reconstruct a youth house at the park. 委員會已評
ii. 求婚:Ms. Taylor has seriously considered a gentleman’s ~to her. 泰勒小姐已經慎

2. proposition n. 陳述 (statement); 主張 (assertion)
i. They make a ~ that all men are created equal. 他們主張眾生平等
= They propose that …….

ii. Critics say that the ~ s won’t work and might backfire. 評論家說這些主張行

117) public / publicity:

1. public n. 大眾 The library is open to the ~ 圖書館開放給大眾使用。
~ adj. 公開的;公眾的~ facilities   大眾使用的方便設施

a. Do not discuss personal affairs in ~ 勿公然談論私事。

b. “Do not wash dirty linen in ~. “「家醜不可外揚」--諺語

c. Public-opinion polls indicate a general feeling among the people that accepted standards of behavior are being deliberately flouted by long-haired hippies and the like. 輿論測驗顯示人民一般的意見,認為公認的行為標準,已被長頭髮的嬉皮之類故意蔑視。

~ ly adv. 公然地。*注意:不可寫成 publically

2. publicize v. 宣傳,廣告
l publicity  U. (不可數名詞) 眾所週知

She is suffering from ~. 她正遭受盛名之累。

Prince Charles’s marriage was given wide ~ 英國王太子的結婚人人皆知。

118) publish /publication:

1. publish v. 出版 publisher 出版商 n. “Publish or Perish.” 沒有著作出版

Image result for publish or perish

The newly ~ ed novel soon became a best seller. 最近出版的小說很快就成為一

2. publication n. 出版;出版物
The Bible is one of the publications that enjoy widest circulation in the world.  聖經

Justin Lai編著


