2015年4月1日 星期三

文法淺釋- (100)

文法淺釋- (100)

文法(grammar)與句型(sentence patterns)

八、動狀詞  (Verbal) (又稱變體動詞)

12)  It being biting cold, there is hardly a soul to be seen in the street.
                  (因為天氣嚴寒; 路上行人絕跡。)

1. being 應指天氣,故其主詞為 it . It being cold, 為獨立片語  (如前述)
= Because it is biting cold.  因主要主詞為there,與表示天氣之主詞it不同,故

  *2. It is biting cold = It is as cold as it is biting. (凍得咬人) 前句之biting
      adverb 修飾 cold;類似用法如:
It is piercing cold   . = It is as cold as it is piercing  冷得刺骨。 比較:a bone-chilling
morning   酷寒的上午;The temperature fell well below zero in the biting wind.

Image result for biting cold

It is burning hot. = It is as hot as it is burning. 熱得燙人。 

It is scorching hot. = It is as hot as it is scorching. 熱得如同燒焦一般。

* Some people died in the scorching heat wave in California. 有些人死於加州酷暑

 We are soaking wet   = We are as wet as we are soaking.   我們濕透了。

 It is drenching wet. = It is as wet as it is drenched. 它濕透了。 soak = drench

 Image result for soaking wet

13) There being no taxi, we walked home. (因為沒有計程車,我們走路回家。)

1 原句用There was no taxi則缺少一連接詞,若在 we之前加一連接詞 so (that)
所以 或在句首加  Because亦可使原句故成為一完整的句子。

2.若把原句之 was 改為 being而使 There being成為一獨立片語。 ( adv. 用,修飾
後面動詞 walked

3. There being = (As/ Because/ Since) + there was…. (因為)  there being

a.     I am not surprised at there being so many people interested in pop music.(介詞
 =I am not surprised that there are so many people interested in pop music. 這麼多人

b. We did not anticipate there being so many V.I.P.’s at the inauguration. (
=We did not anticipate that there were so many V.I.P.’s at the inauguration.


   Such being the case, we cannot but give in to their demand. 既然情形如此,我們
   =Since such is the case…

Justin Lai


