2013年11月13日 星期三

字詞研究 (42)

字詞研究 (42)

104) vanish/ varnish:

1. varnish  n. 釉;假漆; ~ v. 塗漆;粉飾

The room is beautifully ~ ed with a bright color of paint. 房間被塗上一層鮮亮的油漆。
*canvas n. 畫布;canopy n. 遮雨、陽 (帆布) ;雨傘

2. vanish  vi. 消失 = become out of sight = disappear

In the twinkling of an eye he vanished in the crowd. 一眨眼他在人群中消失。
Freshwater wetlands are ~ing gradually.  淨水濕地正逐漸消失中。

105) waste / waist:

*waste waist 屬同音字 [ west ]
1. waste v. /n. 浪費

You are w ~ ing your breath to talk to him any further. 如果你繼續同他說話,你是白費口舌。
It is a ~ of money (energy)  金錢 (體力) 的浪費

Each cent of the fund shall never go to ~  基金的每一分錢從未被浪費。

The retreating army laid ~ the fields and farm buildings along their path.

2. waist n. 腰部 Tie the rope around your ~ 把繩子繞在你腰部。

106) zone/ zoning: 

【注意】: 一般名詞 + ing 動狀名詞用,含「動作」意味,與原

1. zone  n. 地區 (指大或小的區域)

silent ~ (城市中的寧靜地區,如醫院或學校)construction ~ 施工地段;temperate ~
溫帶氣候區;tropical ~ 熱帶區;Frigid Z~ 寒帶區 (南、北極區)

In a unique and rocky ~, fossils and antiquities disappear from the ground.

~ 亦可指看不見的「地帶」:

This divine combination of mahogany, leather and travertine will take you
to your ultimate comfort zone.
(註:divine 神聖的;mahogany n. 桃花心木;travertine n. ultimate a.最後的)
2. zoning n. 地目;土地使用區分

What is the ~ of the vacant lot, Commercial, Residential, or Industrial?

The ~ ordinances of the city are still waiting for the city council to approve.

Justin Lai 編著




