2013年11月7日 星期四

字詞研究 (41)

字詞研究 (41)

101) tower /towel:

1. tower [ta?r] n. the Eiffel T~ (艾飛爾高塔)
Standing on top of the big tower, Jim watched the breath-taking view of the city below.

pagoda  n.(東方式) ; 浮屠; 納骨塔

pavilion  n.小亭 (中國式八角亭)

booth 電話(投票)

tower vi.  ; 超越… 

a.     The castle ~ s over the hills. 城堡高於小山丘

b. Janet ~s above her sisters in algebra.   Janet 的代數比她妹妹好
towering a. 高聳的

You’ll discover the magic of our sparkling lights, whimsical decorations,
~100-foot trees Santa and his elves, carolers, and snow every night.

(本句描繪一座燈塔-light house的魅力與它對航行中船隻之助益)

2.     towel n. 浴巾;paper ~ 紙抹布bath ~ 浴巾; paper (facial) tissue

** toss (throw) in the ~ (拳擊比賽) 拋出毛巾- (認輸)
The coach of a boxer tossed in the ~, ending the game. 一位拳賽者的教練

102) track / trick/ truck:

1. track n. 軌道;音道;痕跡;軌field and ~ 田徑 keep ~ of + n. 與人保持聯繫 / lose ~ of + n. 失去聯繫。

*The city is on the fast ~ 城市快速成長*

track 指水準的軌道

orbit n. 指繞行的軌道, 如行星 (planet) 人造衛星 (satellite)

track v. 追蹤
The police spent some time ~ ing the suspects of bombing in London.

truck n. 貨車,a dumping ~ 運拉汲車

2. trick n. 欺詐; 詭計;欺詐 play a ~ on + ; 開玩笑;惡作劇;欺騙
Stop playing a trick on the poor little girl. 別再對這位可憐的小姑娘惡作劇。       
* T~ or treat! 美國小孩在萬聖() ( Halloween -每年十月卅一日)
向鄰居們說的話意謂:「不給糖吃, 就惡作劇。」

103) velvet / valet:以上二字發音接近:

1. velvet n.天鵝絨。The gloves are made of ~. 手套用天鵝絨做的

It is an iron hand in a ~ glove. 藏刀;外柔內剛。

2. valet n. = manservant 男僕 (專指在大飯店或上流餐廳門前或入口處

V~ parking 代客泊/停車
a. Arriving at the hotel, he was stunned to see the ~ asleep on the luggage cart.扺達旅館時,他吃驚地看到男僕躺在行李車上熟睡。

b. 代客泊/停車廣告

“Drop off your car at any station to start your day, and pick it up at the station
of your choice when you’re done.” 


Justin Lai 編著



