2013年5月31日 星期五

文法淺釋 (1)

文法淺釋 (1)


第一章 文法(grammar)與句型(Stence patterns)

一、名詞 (Noun) 下列各題有劃線部分粗體字為主題部分:

本節18題討論冠詞(Article)與名詞之關係;一般而言冠詞分不定冠詞(a, an) ,與冠詞(the)。名詞分可數(Countable)與不可數(Uncountable) 其前均可加冠詞,惟意義可能不同:

1) He has been an honest man from the cradle to the grave. (他一生誠實)


通常the+名詞表示限定用法,但the cradle原意為搖籃,前面加了the , = “birth”出生;the grave 墳墓 = “death”死亡,因為:
1. the +普通名詞,具有抽象 (比喻) 意義,因此有人說from the cradle to the grave = the whole life = all one’s life.畢生。
What is learned in the cradle is carried to the grave. 孩提所學畢生難忘或受用不盡。
The pen is mightier than the sword. 「筆比劍有力」-文勝於武(注:the pen =文字-無形的力量the sword = force 武力-有形的武器
*If your grandfather could see what you’re doing now, he would turn (roll) over in his grave.
=Your grandfather would be so angry with what you’re doing that he wouldn’t be able to lie still in his grave.

*turn over in one’s grave (因十分生氣)死而不安。另外graveyard n. 墳場 = cemetery n.

*Jones has given the world breathtaking insights into the birth of the universe, the death of black holes, and the future of the human race.
Jones 給了世人驚心動魄的洞察力,看透了宇宙的誕生、黑洞的消逝與人類的未來。

*Nixon had risen from the political grave. 尼克森從政治墳墓中復活了。(在政治生涯中另
有生機) the political grave指在政界被人遺忘,如同被埋在墳墓

 With the death of a love came the birth of an idea, a fierce preoccupation.
句中the deaththe birth均為抽象意義,引伸為消失(前者) 出現(後者)之義

2. the + adj. = 抽象名詞the good = goodness; the beautiful = beautythe true= truth真實
*The good and the beautiful do not always go together.》善良與美貌很難兼得。

3. the + adj. =複數名詞the living (people) and the dead(people)生存者與亡故者。
*Put down the ordinary(things or affairs); pick up the extra-ordinary. (things or affairs) 捨普通,
*The wise (people) save for the future, but the foolish (people) spend whatever he gets. 智者為

Justin Lai, 0602/2013



