2013年5月20日 星期一


 英語漫談系 (1)


1)     a black sheep 害群之馬*a sheep’s skin 畢業證書(=a diploma)sheep綿羊goat山羊
 * lamb綿羊或温馴的人
They were murdered like a ~他毫無抵抗地被謀害
I was picked as lamb for the slaughter. 我被選為犧牲品

2)     a dark horse. 爆出冷門
The log for my brief presidential campaign was apparently a dark horse.
A running horse is dangerous to stop. 要挫他人威風是危險的
*Money can make mare go.有錢能使鬼推磨。比較*Money talks.金錢萬能

3)     duck鴨子
Don’t be a sitting duck. (別坐以待斃比較He is the sitting president.現任總統。
比較an acting president代理;Peiping duck 北平烤鴨

4)     mule: 騾子
He is as stubborn as a mule.倔強如騾。(more stubborn than a mule)

5)     mouse: 老鼠
He is as poor as a church mouse一貧如洗。(教堂靠捐献維持)

6) wolf:
*a wolf in sheep’s clothing披著羊皮的狼(外表友善的敵人)
keep the wolf from the door勉強可維持生活。
It is hard not to wolf down every last bite. 不想把最後一口食物吃下也難

wolf (v.) down = devour 吞食

7) fish:
*Do not fish in troubled waters.勿混水摸魚
*It’s like shooting fish in a barrel. 它像射擊大水桶中的魚一樣簡單。
All is ~ that comes to his net照單全收a ~out of water 處境生疏困難的地方

8) crocodile 鱷魚
*Stop shedding crocodile tears.別假慈悲(insincere sorrow)

9) monkey猴子
*get up to monkey’s business/tricks胡鬧,惡作劇
He monkeys around the whole NSC. (他把國家安全會議這機構亂搞)

《比較》:mess around:弄得亂七八糟。get a ~ on one’s back 發怒

*Hearing his story, we felt my skin was covered in “goose flesh” to us. 他的故事我們聽起來肉麻。(中國人形容肉麻,慣用「起雞皮疙瘩」,而白人-Caucasian也許體格較粗,故起「鵝皮」)

*goose egg考試零分

*Do not kill the goose that lays the golden eggs殺鷄取卵

11. butterfly: 蝴蝶
You get butterflies when you see him, your heart pounds if he calls, and kissing him literally causes goose bumps. With chemistry this amazing, you'd figure you're destined to be together.


》:goose bumps感興奮 butterfly n.蝴蝶
: He’s got a ~ in his stomach. ) = He is nervous.  
He has butterfly rash on the cheeks. (他臉頰紅腫)

12. bird:
*An early bird catches the worm. 早起的烏有蟲吃(捷足先登)

* killing two birds with one stone一石兩鳥(一舉數得)

13. dog
Beware of a dog.小心惡犬(beware of + n. 作為警示語用;

但在餐館洗手間內可以看到Beware of hot water.大概有人洗手被熱水燙傷,餐館
挨告,為保護自己而貼此告示,以保障自己的第三責任-public liability)

*to lead a dog’s life潦倒生活

*to die a dog’s death潦倒而死

*Love me, love my dog. 愛屋及烏

*Let sleeping dogs lie.勿惹事生非

*It’s a case of dog eating dog.互相殘害的案例

*Barking dogs won’t bite.吠狗不咬人

Dogs do not bark at parked cars. 狗對靜止不動的人不存戒心。

The presidential candidate was dogged by sexual harassment allegations. 
(dog v. = follow…like a dog, 不被放過)

14. chicken: 小鷄
*He is chicken-hearted. = He is timid. = He is chicken=He is a coward 膽小。(中國人用膽小
*chick n. = young chicken or bird小雞或小鳥,或作俚語用指「年輕小姐young woman

*Look at those American~ s wearing hot pants even in such freezing weather! 即使在如此冷天中,

*台灣有名的「雞肉飯」如何翻譯?有人譯為chicken rice”,其實美國也有,但,叫
chicken bowl」;其義為chicken on a bowl of rice另外也有「牛肉飯」叫beef bowl」,
這兩種速食對亞裔或西班牙裔(Asian or Hispanic Americans)十分喜歡通常在日商經營
有名的Yoshinoya (吉野屋鎖店(franchise)均可吃到。

15. cuckoo: 杜娟鳥
*It’s a cuckoo’s nest. 神療養院=sanatorium=asylum(cuckoo n. 杜娟鳥)

16. bull野牛
英文說人家胡說八道,常用It’s a bull shit. (You are full of shit.)-鬼扯,高雅一點說法叫
“BS” (bull shit直譯叫「牛屎」)bull野牛(~ fighter牛士但,buffalo水牛
《比較》: cow母牛;ox公牛,Oxford: 牛津大學,ford = a shallow place in a sream牛隻

*He had a cowed look. 有畏懼的表情coward懦夫a cow boy, cow hands牛仔幫手

17. lion

*lion: He is a lion-hunter. (一位巴結人者)

Justin Lai, in USA


