2013年8月7日 星期三

字詞研究 (21)

字詞研究 (21)

名詞- free =含沒有….之義,下列為常用片語

hassle-free 不麻煩;duty-free 免關稅;care-free無憂慮的;debt-free retirement 無債務的退休;a debt-free customer 無負債的顧客;cholesterol-~ 膽固醇;a wrinkle-free face 沒有縐紋的面孔;

*Please return them in the postage-free envelope provided. 把它們放在已付郵資的回郵信封內寄回。

*It enables the static-free programs to be heard virtually anywhere in the U.S. 能使無雜音的節目在全美國均可收聽得到。(static n. 雜音)
*White meat including chicken and duck meat free of fat is good for patients with a heart disease. 括雞、鴨、不含脂肪的白肉對有心臟病患者有益。

(註:red meat 紅肉,指四足獸(quadruped)動物,如豬肉pork,羊肉
mutton,牛肉beef ) 。另外free亦可指看不見的『沒有』
*His conduct is free of deception. 他的行為沒有欺騙。free 亦可作免費解:
be~免費的= ~ of charge.

Buy one (and) get one ~買一送一。促銷時亦可用get two or three.

*gratuitous  a.無償的= given free of charge這是較深的用字:

*An agency that does not involve compensation is called a ~ agency.

gratuitous 另作「無故的,沒有必要的」解

Nobody can put up with a ~ insult from a stranger. 無人可以忍

59) formerly / formally:

formerly form n. 形式,意義上無關連; formal  adj. 正式的; 

foam n. 泡沫與form 發音接近

former  a. 前任的Fmr. Ambassador 前任大使;the ~(兩件事第一項)
the latter 指後者(或第二項)

1. formerly adv. = previously 從前 (常與過去式連用)

formal a. 正式的; ~ occasion正式場合,其相反詞為casual a.隨意的,休閑的 

Nowadays people travel in casual clothes. 現在人們旅行時穿著隨便。

formalform v. 形成;n. 形式變來

2. formally adv. 正式的    

Beth spoke formally to the audience 貝斯對群眾發表正式談話。

informal a. 非正式的。”Yeah” is an informal speech for “yes”
“Yeah” ”Yes” 非正式的用法。

60) generic /genetic :

1.generic  a.普通的;一般的~ medicine 一般藥品;與specific (特殊的) 
medicine a brand-name medicine (有商品名稱)

*A combination of two old ~ drugs improves the life expectancy of
African Americans. 兩種舊的普通醫藥合在一起,改善了非洲裔

2.  genetic  a. 遺傳的(genes n. 遺傳基因) ~ hypertension
(hypotension) 遺傳性高()血壓~ engineering  遺傳工程 (生物科技)

* We can see in the prince ~ beautiful looks from his mother. 在王太子身上我們可以看到,遺傳自他母親美麗的外貌。

* If you want to spark a heated debate at a dinner party, bring up the
topic of genetically modified foods. 如你想在晚宴上引發一場激烈的辯論,那麼,就提出有關基因上局部改變的食物的題目。

Justin Lai




