2013年8月11日 星期日



1)    一兼二顧(摸蜆仔兼洗褲)

直譯While searching for clams, one washes pants.

意譯profiting from doing both things at the same time兩方面兼顧,双方面都獲益處

2)    兩人相好 a good couple; good friend to each other

3)    三從四德 characters for a good wife (agreeing with Father when a maid, with Husband when married, with Son when Husband died) 三從指婚前從父,婚後從夫,夫死從子)

4)    五路財神 fortunes from all directions, including east, west, north, south and the middle (含東西南北中)

5)    六畜興旺 prosperous domestic animals, including swine() goat() cow() rooster() duck() andgoose (鵝)

6)    六六大順 With lucky number-66, it brings you wealth and smoothness.

7)    七子八婿 blessed with having many sons and sons-in-law

8)    七哭八笑 between tears and laughter

9)    八仙過海

直譯Eight immortals are crossing the sea.

意譯eight immortals (or persons) competing with each other by showing wits 各顯神通

10)   久久長長 lasting forever

11)   流流溢溢 very rich, abundant十分富有

12)   惡人無膽 Those who are evil are timid.

13)   矮人厚恨 A short guy is often bearing grudges and hatred against others. 矮子較會懷恨

14)   橫柴入灶

直譯thrusting wood crosswise into an oven

意譯doing things rather irrationally or adversely倒行逆施

15) 引鬼入宅

直譯bringing ghosts into a house

意譯bringing evil persons into one’s house/ causing trouble to oneself引狼入

6) 船過水無痕

直譯There must be signs of waves, following the passing of a boat/ship.( 反諷
) 船走過,水上應留有波紋

意譯ungratefulnot responsive (忘恩負義/或無反應) (聖經說:『


Justin Lai 編譯




