2014年2月13日 星期四

文法淺釋系列 (57)

文法淺釋系列 (57)

文法(grammar)與句型(sentence patterns)

四、 副詞 (Adverb):修飾:動詞、形容詞、另一副詞、

15) thus far/ so far:

1. thus far = so far (到現在為止) 常與現在完成式連用;若強調持續到現在

I have thus far written letter upon letter about the matter. (關於此事到

So far so good. = So far (everything is) so good  到現在一切都是好的。
So far you are fine  到現在你們安好。(在正式文件中,有用to date代替so far )

To date the city government has notified the owner of the change of the code for two times. 今市政府已二次通知業主有關法令的更改。

* I wonder if he has gone that far. 我想知道是否他已走那麼遠。  
2. 比較           
a. as yet 意義與so far 同;但,多半用在否定疑問句。

a. As yet we have not heard from her. 迄今未皆到她的音訊。 
b. Have you received the report card (as) yet接到成績單了嗎?比較
c. I would be seen as yet one more. 我會被看作另一個人。(see…as.. ……

b. as of + n. (確定的時間)     「直到……

 As of the date of cancellation of the contract, the total funds on deposit are
We have received 5 e-mail as of July 8.   七月八日 我們收到五封電子郵件。

* so far; thus far; as yet 均指到目前為止,但不表明確定時間

16) During foggy weather the buses are late more often than not. (有霧時公車經常誤點。)

1. more often than not = as often as not = very frequently;  (時常)
The technician makes a mistake oftener than I do. 這位技工比我常犯錯。

其他與often 連用之慣用片語:every so often = from time to time 
(時時)once too often (又一次;再一次)


