2014年2月7日 星期五

文法淺釋系列 (55)

文法淺釋系列 (55)

文法(grammar)與句型(sentence patterns)

四、 副詞 (Adverb):修飾:動詞、形容詞、另一副詞、

11) everydayevery day之區別:

1.     *everyday (adj.) = daily 每天的;日常的
It is ~ (= routine) occurrence. 它是日常發生之事; ~ English 日常英語
It was not an ~round of sightseeing它不是每天例行的觀光行程。

2. *every day  adv. Phr (副詞片語).  “天天
 Students go to school ~ except on holidays.  除假日外,學生天天上學。
Taking exercise every day does good to health. (每天運動有益健康)

** 注意:許多人常誤用 everyday  

 比較Every day brings new hope for us. 每天帶給我們新希望。(Every adj.
day n. 作主詞)

他例 *nearby adj. 鄰近的 a ~ village 鄰近的村莊;  

*near by   (adv. 片語) He lives near by. 他住在附近。

But then, people working near by partnered with the Fish and Wildlife Service to carve channels into the levees.

Near by are marvelous drives and a dramatic waterfall.
一些美好的道路和一個如戲劇般漂亮的瀑布就在附近。(* drives n. 道路)

12) nearlynear之分別:

1. near   (接近地方) 

She came ~ enough to watch the baby.  她走近到可以看到嬰孩。
When told about the news, he came ~ crying. 當他獲知此消息,幾乎哭出來。
 Note: come near + Ving = almost + V :幾乎

2. nearly = almost  
He is nearly (almost) drowned. 他差一點就溺死。

nearly 不可用在否定句almost 則可 

a. It is almost not possible to convince him of the truth = It is hardly possible to convince him of the truth. 幾乎無法使他深信這實情。

b. He makes a nearly impossible job often enjoyable. 他把幾乎不可能的工作做得勝任愉快。

c. It was nearly two o’clock in the morning when he got home. (他到家時已快凌晨二點)

Justin Lai



