2014年2月10日 星期一

字詞研究 (55)

字詞研究 (55)

第二章:字源/字根相同字 (Words with Identical Roots)

21) comprehensive / comprehensible:

comprehend v. 瞭解 (understand) ,包括 (include)

1. comprehensible a. 可充分被瞭解 (that can be fully understood) a scene ~ only
to professionals 僅專家才瞭解的場景。
The most incomprehensible thing about the universe is that it is ~.

2. comprehensive a. 廣闊的 (inclusive) 廣泛的a ~ mind 理解力廣闊的;
a ~ school  綜合學校 ;  a man with a ~ mind 富於理解力的人
  a. This is one of most~ measures to improve the situation. 這是改善情況的最廣泛的措施之一。
b. For the first time, new enrollees in Medicare are eligible for ~ checkup.

22) concept / conception:

以上二字由 conceive轉成,~ vt./ vi  構思;構想 (= form something in the mind) ;

1. concept  C. 概念 (= general notion) 從許多特別實例歸納出的 idea

** popularity ~ 西瓜偎大邊 臺灣諺語 (西瓜效應人們總是袒護得勢的一方)

a.     This is a new concept of using your part time to make extra money.

b. Explore the fresh new ~s available in our community. 探索我們社區的新概念。

c. The ~ of charitable work appears to be as old as mankind itself. 慈善工作的

2. conception  U. (不可數) 構思;強調某種構思之動作或行為

a. A good novelist needs good powers of ~ 一位好的小說家須要極大的想像力

b. They both dreamed of their son’s divine ~. 兩人都夢想他們兒子神聖的構思。

~ C. (可數) = idea / plan ;懷孕 ** contraception  n. 避孕 ~ pill 避孕葯

Justin Lai


