2015年1月26日 星期一

文法淺釋- (94)

文法淺釋- (94)

文法(grammar)與句型(sentence patterns)


25)  He should know better than to behave like that. (他應聰明得不致於有那種舉止。)

1.+ should know better than to + V. (聰明得不致於)一特別句型 =  be wise

enough not to + V. 現在或未來不該做某事:

2.+ should have known better than to + V (to have + P.P.)  指過去不該做
You should have known better than to have served the hot soup in a cold dish.

** 比較should have + P.P.用在主要子句,亦表示過去不該做卻做了

a. They should have notified us of the delay. 他們早該告訴我們會有延誤。
 b. I should not have expected such folly from a man of his experience. 我不該期待具有像他的經驗的人,會作出如此愚蠢的事。(不幸,我期待了)

26)  When I need his help badly, he must needs be away. (當我迫切需要他幫忙時,他卻偏偏不在。)                        

needs (adv.) 務必;一定  
1.needs must + V  = must + V
I will go to her aid if I needs must. 如果必要,我會去協助她。         
The Secretary  needs must resign before things get worse.情惡化前,部長必須
** Needs must when the devil drives. 情勢所迫不得不爾- (狗急跳牆)

2. must needs +V (含有諷刺性的必須 偏偏須要…)
 The American father must needs apologize to his daughter after scolding her.
  這位美國人父親在責備了他女兒之後 ,卻偏偏須向她道歉。

27)  Donna may be able to attend the planning session. (Donna 也許會參加計畫會議)

maybe adv. = perhaps 或許 may (助動詞) + be 或許是
比較Maybe, he is right. = He may be right.   他也許是對might may 婉轉

28)   She rushed to the gate and found it wouldn’t open. (她衝到大門卻發現它打不開。)

a. + won’t + V = will not + V = refuse to + V.:拒絕
i. He won’t take my advice.  他拒絕接受我的勸告。

ii. In the words of Lyndon B. Johnson, “That dog won’t hunt.                          
套用詹生總統的話,那只狗不管用- 就是不去獵取獵物 (暗喻-那傢伙沒用。)

iii. I am trying to talk him into buying a new car; the persuasion works (It won’t work)
God is God. He won’t change. (上帝就是上帝,改變不了)

b. + wouldn’t + V = refused to + V. (過去)
I told her not to get involved in the affair, but she wouldn’t listen. 我告訴他別幹此

c. (無生命者) + won’t (wouldn’t) + V = 主詞+ can not be + P.P. 「無法被….
The window won’t (wouldn’t) open (close) = The window can (could) not be opened
 (closed) 窗打不開或關不上。
d. Won’t + you + V…? 表示客氣地請求
 Won’t you come along and join us? 一起過來好嗎? Thank you, we will. 謝謝,我們會


Knowledge flourishes best in an atmosphere of free discussion;
and in order to direct social policy wisely, it is necessary that there
should be freedom to criticize existing institutions and to put
forward unpopular opinions, no matter how offensive they may be to
prevailing attitudes. 

Justin Lai


