2015年1月14日 星期三

英文格言與慣用語 (2)

英文格言與慣用語 (2)

11. As you sow, so shall you reap. 種瓜得瓜;要怎麼收獲,先要怎麼栽

說明:原句= You will reap as you sow= You will reap in proportion as you sow. (你的收獲與播種成正比。

As you treat me, so will treat me. 你怎麼對待我,我也會那麼對待你。

As above, so within. 上不正則下歪

As is the master, so is the disciple. 有其師必有其徒。
比較:Like father, like son. 有其父必有其子。 (註:like = the same)
As you make your bed, so must you lie in it. 自作自受;自食其果

12. Ask no questions, and be told no lies. 不問問題就不會受騙。

說明:原句= If you ask no questions, you will not be told any lies.
比較:He is not above asking questions. 他不恥下問。 (註:above = be too good to…恥於)

比較:To be or not to be, that’s the question. 生死才是關鍵。 (莎翁名言)

13. Avoid a questioner, for he is also a tattler. 避開好問者,因為他也是位愛講閒話的人。

14. To know is one thing, to know how to do it is quite another. 知道與曉得如何做是兩碼事。

15. Ill news runs apace. 壞事傳千里。= Bad news travels fast.
註:apace adv. 迅速地

比較:No news is good news. 沒有消息就是好消息。或 沒有好消息

16. A bad shearer never had a good sickle. 拙劣的剪羊毛人總是抱怨剪刀不快。

17. Barking dogs won’t (seldom) bite. 吠狗不咬人;色厲內荏
比較:The greatest talkers are the least doers. 話說得多的人,做得少。


18. Be just before you are generous. 要慷慨先求公正。

19. Beauty is but skin deep. 美不過是膚淺的。勿以貌取人 (but = only)

20. She is a regular beauty. 她是十足的美女。


Jusrin Lai  

