2014年5月30日 星期五


Jackie Kennedy’s Return to Arlington-甘迺迪夫人回到美國阿靈頓公墓.....

Jackie Kennedy’s Return to Arlington

圖中着黑色衣服者為賈桂琳,其左為Caroline Kennedy -現美駐日大使-甘家長女,其右為已故John F. Kennedy Jr. (已故)


Fifty years ago on May 29, 1964, Jackie Kennedy, accompanied by her two children, returned to Arlington National Cemetery. There she placed a sprig of lilies of the valley on President Kennedy’s grave.
The occasion was JFK’s 47th birthday, and Mrs. Kennedy’s homage seemed only natural. But today it is possible to see more than a tribute to her husband in Mrs. Kennedy’s actions. It is also possible to see her deciding the time had come for her and the nation to end their period of mourning.


