2014年4月25日 星期五

文法淺釋系列 (71)

文法淺釋系列 (71)

文法(grammar)與句型(sentence patterns)

四、 副詞 (Adverb):修飾:動詞、形容詞、另一副詞、

48) than then 對初學英文者常會混淆;即使受過教育者; 亦甚至常寫白字:

A. than conj. 連接詞,通常接於比較級形容詞或副詞之後:
a. He is lazier than his brothers. 他比弟弟們懶惰。

b. John is a person than whom no one has a kinder heart.John 的心比別人慈善。
(* than 作介詞用)
Something is better ~ nothing. 聊勝於無 (怨無不怨少- 台語)
Better late ~never. 晚到總比不到好。                                     
, 有些比較級並不一定加 than
l Fidel Castro is not a friend of Mexico, much less of the United States.
卡斯楚 (古巴總統) 不是墨西哥的朋友, 更非美國之友
The property, less normal wear and tear, must be kept in good condition.
扣除正常耗損之外, 地產應保持良好狀況

Baby boomers opt to ‘renew” rather than retire.  戰後出生嬰兒潮人們選擇更新

B. then adv. 副詞
a. 在當時 = at that time 用於指過去或未來時間
Jack was seriously hurt ~.  當時傑克傷重。
She will show us the way out ~. 到時她會告訴我們如何出去。
 (* then-n. 當時擔任)

The following year, then-Gov. Gray Davis dropped funding from the state budget.
次年,當時的州長 Gary Davis 從州政府的預算中取走經費
b. and then然後 (如本句) / = besides 而且

I did not feel good, and ~, it wasn’t the right time. 當時我心情不好; 尚且時

She went towards me, and then handed me a note. (她走向我然後交給我一張字條)

c. now……then….. 一會兒.另一會兒
Now he was crying; ~ he was laughing. 他又哭又笑。

 “Monks then, Tourists now. 當時是修道士住的地方, 現在是觀光旅館。

l Then main difference between then and now is that, in those days, there were very few organized activities.

d. now and ~ = sometimes 三不五時; 偶爾 (詳閱副詞部分)

比較It’s now or never一不做二不休(現在不愛我,就沒有機會了)
Elvis Presley  (已故美國貓王名曲之一;仿義大利民謠,O Sole Mio,中譯
Oh, My Son可愛的陽光)

It’s now or never.(現在不偷就沒有機會了。)

e. (置於句首或句尾) “那麼
 ~, that’s the best I can do.  那,我能做的就是如此Take care, ~! 那麼,

f. ~ and there = there and ~ 當場 = on the spot
The innocent children fell on their knees ~ and there.   無辜的孩子們當場下跪。

Justin Lai


