2013年10月16日 星期三

字詞研究 (38)

字詞研究 (38)

96) stake / steak / stick /stock:

1. stake v. 釘木樁;押注 n. ; 賭注 be at ~ = be risked   得失攸關

a. But this time he knew he was playing for the highest of ~s. 此次他明白下

b. Because of the current scandal, his reputation is at stake. 由於最近的醜聞,
【比較】in dangerin jeopardy

As polar ice melts, nations stake claims to potential riches. 隨著北極區冰塊

2. steak [ stek] n. 與上字同音;(含骨頭的切片肉) beef ~ 牛排pork ~
豬排mutton ~ 羊排;fish ~ 魚排。肉片,應說 chop


stick  n. 柴枝棍棒 a pair of chop ~s  一雙筷子

Hot Dog on a Stick. (套在小木棒的熱狗- 食物)  
Only John has the carrots and sticks that Tom respects.衹有John 一手拿紅
蘿蔔另一手拿棍棒 (恩威並施),才是Tom 所敬畏的。

【比較】stick n.小樹枝,club n.粗棍,bludgeon 短棒n.

stick v. stuck stuck 黏住; ~ a stamp to (on) the envelope 在信封上貼
郵票;~ around = hang around 待在附近;get stuck 陷入困局。

a. It’s every airplane passenger’s nightmare-getting stuck near a crying baby.

b. His suggestions stick in my head. 我老想著他的建議。

stock n. 貨品 out of ~ 缺貨,in stock 有存貨~ market 股市~ option公司

stock v. 存貨
I phoned a shop to see if it ~ed a particular model of toilet. 我電話詢問一家商店,是否他們方有某一特別型式的衛浴設備。    

97) stationery / stationary:

1. stationery  n. 文具;stationer n. 文具商 
a. He used school ~ for his letters. 他用學校信箋寫信business ~ 正式

b. E-mailed love letters are better than nothing. But it requires ink, ~y and time
to say what you really mean. 電子郵件的情書總比沒有好。可是要表達真正

2. stationary a. (與上字同音) 固定的~ army 常備軍;
Some teachers prefer ~ seats in their classrooms. 一些教師們較喜歡在教室裡
有固定座位。~ vehicles停着的車輛

station vt. 駐紮; station n 車站;fire ~消防隊;gas (filling)~ 加油站

The garrison was ~ ed at the port  衛戌部隊駐紮在港口附近。

station n. out of ~未在編隊的位置內

station wagon旅行車


Justin Lai編著



