2013年6月2日 星期日

〔One car per green.〕(11)


One car per green.(11)

*美國有些高速公路的進口處為管制交通量,有匝道紅綠燈設定置,在燈下有一塊牌子寫著︰〔One car per green.=one vehicle is allowed when the green light is on. 『每次綠燈只准
通行一部車』。這是很傳神的詞句。per green = per green (light),用詞簡潔有力,若再加
light則顯嚕囌。看起來似像商業廣告,其實是交通規定(traffic regulation)。每部車子通行
的間隔時間約訂為20-30秒,依rush hours (尖峯時刻) 之需要而定。但若行駛在carpool lane

carpool: ”Two or more passengers per vehicle” 每部小車至少須有兩位以上乘客。

per = each含「比例上的每一」,如:kph即等於kilometers per hour 公里/小時;mph= miles per hour 英哩/小時〕。

比較*per另作介系詞= through, by means of  藉,依據 (正式文書用字)

*P~ (In accordance with) your request, the package regarding this proposal will be sent to you.為配合你的請求,有關本提案整套計畫書會寄給你。
*P~ our dialogue yesterday, you agree to pay us $500 to make up for the loss. 根據昨日對話,


a. Each of the boys (= Each boy) is to hand in his assignment by Friday. 星期五前每位男孩都必須繳家課。
b. Every girl (= All girls are) must take his turn taking care of the garden. 全體女孩 都必須輪流照顧苗圃。

【以上 a 句強調「個體之每一」;b句則強調「全體之每一 」】

*Tom, Dick and Harry each put forward a different scheme (Tom, Dick and Harry 每人提出一個

Tom, Dick and Harry 亦可譯為“阿貓阿狗指普通一般人
*It’s Tom, Dick and Harry’s favorite.它是阿貓阿狗的最愛。

 every 是形容詞,其後可+one, thing, body而成為一代名詞:everything, everyone,

He who tries to please everybody pleases nobody.(老少騎驢)

each 可作形容詞或代名詞。every僅作形容詞,可接抽象名詞each則不可】:

*We have every right (reason) to speak our mind. 我們有充分的權利(理由)表達內心看法。

*These problems must be solved in every means conceivable (=all possible means) 這些難題
必須用所有可能的方法解決。(means n. 方法或手段,其單複數同形)

*可以用『each of +n. 不可用『every of +n. 』。

 另外,each亦可表示「每位平均= per「每一」之義】

例:They give the children three books each. (= apiece) 他們給每一位小孩三本書。

each other 彼此互相-(双方之間),作代名詞片語;every other+n. 則指動作之次數:
How often did you visit your uncle? 你每隔好久看一次叔叔? Every other month. (兩個月
一次) =every two months = every second month

Justin Lai, 09/08/ 2011

