2013年6月1日 星期六

文法淺釋 (2)

文法淺釋系列 (2)


一、名詞 (Noun) 下列各題有劃線部分粗體字為主題部分:

4) 集合名詞 (collective nouns)=the + Noun 屬不可數名詞,但其前面可加冠詞(article) ,它表示兩種意思:
a. The committee are divided in the opinion. (委員們意見分歧。)committee 委員會。
本句用複數動詞乃因committee = all the members on committee 指全體委員

b. 但若指整體時,則接單數動詞:
The committee is made up(composed) of 9 persons. 委員會由九人組成。比較Twelve persons constitute the jury. 12人組成這陪審團 其他類似字:

His family are early risers. 他的家人是早起者。The family is a large one.這是大家庭
The class are all in favor of joining the plan. 班上全體贊成加入本計劃。
The class is large enough to occupy the bus. 班級人數多到可以坐滿整台車。

*Many families were destroyed during the horrible tornado, recently devastating Oklahoma.

How many classes were added to the tour? 有多少班增加到旅行團。但,

The ruling class is taking drastic measures against a series ofriots. 統治階級層正採用激烈
措施以對抗一連串的暴動。(the ruled class 被統治的階級)

a.      jury 陪審團 (集合名詞) 不可用作普通名詞;其普名詞為juror
The twelve jurors were in unison in reaching their verdict. 十二位陪審團員一致作了判決。

b.      the press 新聞媒體之總稱不作普通名詞用,但 journalist/ reporter 新聞記者;
記者或播報員;以上二字則屬C 普通名詞 (common noun)
5) 抽象名詞 (abstract nouns) 亦屬不可數名詞,作抽象意義用時不可加冠詞。
Brevity is the soul of wit. 簡潔為機智的精髓。Handle it with care.小心輕放。

比較:前面可加『特定單位詞』。如:an act of folly 一件蠢事 an act of kindness 一件善舉

a.      Stirring New Year’s pot is a stroke of luck. 攪動新年的壺會帶來好運(日本習俗)
b. No act of kindness, no matter how small,is ever wasted. 無論多麼小的一件捐贈物也未被浪費掉。

* 但,She has done me many kindnesses 她對我作了許多善事。

c. a fit of laughter / coughing  一陣笑聲/ 咳嗽聲。 between tears and laughter啼笑皆非

**His refusal to insult the hecklers was an impressive bit of gallantry, which is an act of marked courtesy.


*"If you are poor, have the courage to appear poor. (Washington Irving-美國名作家)
你若貧窮,就要有勇氣不擺闊承認是窮。"  courage 勇氣 n.

其句型為:『sb (某人) + have the + 抽象名詞 + to + V.(如此.以致於)
= sb. + be so + adj. + as to + V. = sb. + be + adj. enough to + V
If you are poor, be so courageous as to appear poor. = If you are poor, be courageous enough to appear poor. 

Harry had the kindness to show us the way to the bank  Henry 親切得告訴我們如何去銀行。
= Harry was so kind as to show us the way to the bank.
= Harry was kind enough to show us the way to the bank

*The man who would know one thing well must have the courage to be ignorant of a thousand
other things, however attractive and inviting.

另有 curiosity 好奇, cruelty 殘忍, generosity慷慨等:

a. 他們好奇得立刻打開盒子。
They had the curiosity to open the box in no time.
=They were so curious as to open the box in no time.
=They were curious enough to open the box.

b. Winston慷慨得將其積蓄捐給慈善機構。
Winston had the generosity to donate all his savings for charity.  
 =Winston was so generous as to donate all his savings for charity.

=Winston was generous enough to donate all his savings for charity.


Justin Lai, 06/02/2012






