2013年6月26日 星期三

字詞研究 (9)

字詞研究 (9)

24) carton / cartoon:
1.carton n. 厚紙板紙盒

2. cartoon n.卡通影片
He loves comic strips very much; he also loses himself in watching cartoons. 他喜歡漫畫; 他也醉心於卡通影片。

* 注意:上列二字之發音。cartoonist n.卡通畫家

25) census / consensus:
1.census 人口普查
According to the recent ~, the male population of this island is on the decrease. (= decreasing) 根據人口普查,男性人口正減少中。

2.consensus 大眾輿論、一致看法 opinion held by most; general agreement

The historical~, for many centuries, has been that the legendary Conqueror Genghis Khan fit all the stereotypes of a barbarian: ruthless, bloodthirsty and hell-bent on sowing mayhem and death.  

(legendary 傳說的;stereotype n. 標準形式;barbarian野蠻人;ruthless a. 殘暴的;bloodthirsty a. 血腥的;hell-bent a. = moving fastmaythem n. 斷肢的殘暴行為)

26) chronic / chronicle/ chronological:
1. chronic a. 慢性的 ~ cough (咳嗽);習慣性的 a ~ complainer  (不斷報怨者)
a. Multiple sclerosis is a ~, often debilitating disease that pits the body’s immune system against the central nervous system. 多發性硬化症是一種慢性,且常使人虛弱的疾病,它以身體的免疫系統對抗中央神經系統而留下疤痕。

(註:debilitate v. = make weak= enervate使虛弱 immune a. 免疫的 pit v. 留下疤痕)

b. If you don’t make enough of your own tears, ask your eye doctor about ~dry eye. 如果你的眼睛無法製造足夠的淚水,就請教眼科醫師有關慢性乾眼症的問題。

c. Sleep deprivations widespread: More than 40million Americans are chronically unable to get the amount of slumber they need.
失眠症普遍:超過四仟萬美國人習慣性無法獲得所需的足夠睡眠。【】:deprivation n. 剝奪;slumber n. 睡眠

* acute [D'kjut] a.急性的 an attack of ~ appendicitis 急性盲腸炎
Acute nervousness would be an apt description of the feelings that were quickly taking over. 急性的緊張會是貼切的描述,那種迅速取代的感情。

* periodic a. 週期的 *periodical a. n. 期刊;Time and Newsweek are ~ s. 時報與新聞週刊是期刊。

1.     chronicle n. 紀事報,編年史
This is the~ of a nation that enslaved an entire race of people to perform its labor.  And of a nation that fought a Civil War that freed its slaves, and outlawed segregation and discrimination.

(註:outlaw v. 宣佈為非法segregation n. 分隔,racial ~ 種族;racial discrimination n. 岐視)

synchronize vi, vt. 同時或同步調
We ~the world of commerce. 我們與商業界同步。(美國UPS包裹公司廣告) UPS =United parcel Service

3. chronological a. in~  order 依先後順序
The events happening in the past few months are stated in ~order. 最近幾個月發生的事件依先後順序加以陳述。

*chronology n. 依時間先後排列事件的學問
*chronograph n.計時器;馬錶
Our~ meets the highest criteria of sturdiness and functionality. 我們的計時器,符合堅固耐用與功能的最高標準。

27) comma / coma:

1. comma  n.逗號(標點符號)
C~s must be put between more than two things mentioned in a sentence. 在句中提到超過兩件以上的事時,須加逗號。

比較:句點 () period full stop ;冒號 () colon  (* colon 另作結腸);分號 () semicolon

Do not place a period where God places a comma. Because “God is still speaking,”

2. coma n. 昏迷 ;本字源自希臘文意謂「沈睡=(deep sleep) be in a ~; to go into a ~ 昏迷 注意:以上兩字之拼音與發音。
When she arrived at the hospital, her son had been in a coma after spending 20 minutes at the bottom of a swimming pool. 當她抵達醫院時,她兒子已經昏迷;因他浸在游泳池池底20分鐘之久。

Justin Lai, 06/26/2013







