2013年6月15日 星期六



有些俗語常借用動物作比喻,這些動物大體上分兩類,一類是代表十二生肖的動物,另一是其他動物。在十二生肖的動物中,因體型大小、習性等不同而有不一樣的比喻。有些是單一種動物,另有些則兩種動物的對比(contrast) 。現在就從第一到第十二種動物,逐一列舉:

1)    老鼠

A.    老鼠仔寃
     台語「寃」與「彎」同音,老鼠仔因體型小故行走的彎路不太,即小彎() 也。也有用

意譯taking a small revenge on someone;台語的報寃,如『有寃報寃,有仇報仇』,英語乃get even with someoneretaliate.(報復)

B.   虎頭
直譯with tigers’head and mouse’tail

      With magnificent beginning, but negligible or no ending at all. (magnificent壯觀的,
      negligible微不足道)* 但西方說 “Well begun is half done.” 好的開始是成功的一半。


C.   猴頭老鼠
直譯with monkey’s head and mouse ‘ears

意譯ugly looks,即『其貌不揚』,或五官不正。

2)     (指水牛-cowbuffalo)

A.     作馬
直譯 serving as cows and horses
意譯working laboriously like cows and horses 如牛馬般地努力工作

B.     山高水牛

意譯asking for an unreasonable price /charge漫天要()價,條件或門檻太高,有無法接受的無奈。

C.     一隻起双領皮 (剝兩層皮/双重需索-exploit剝削之意)
直譯double scalping of a cow (scalp v. 剝皮;出售黄牛票者謂之ticket-scalper)

意譯double charging or exploiting someone

D. 頭馬面
     直譯with cow’s head and horse'face
     意譯people looking unfriendly, not decent or even hostile(敵視的) 台語也用『青面獠

E. 無牽過溪嘸放尿:
     直譯A cow will not urinate until she is led wading through a creek.

     意譯a person as stubborn as a mule (=very stubborn很倔强,堅持己見) 注意:英語用

F. 若是,牽到北京嘛是

   直譯If it is a cow, it still is one, even brought to Beijing.

   意譯If someone is stupid or inflexible, he is still so wherever he is.

【比較】:Once a bum, always a bum. 一但是壞人,就永遠是壞人。(本性難改)

A. 作活(死馬打活馬醫)

直譯Even if the tiger under hunting is dead, we treat it as a live one. (we keep on with our patience and effort.)

意譯Never be too ready to give up one’s attempt

B. 笑面
     直譯a smiling tiger
    意譯a cunning (or crooked) guy with a smiling face. 面裝笑容但陰謀傷害他人的人

C. 掠賊也要親兄弟:

直譯To fight a tiger or catch a thief, one needs collaboration of his own brothers.

意譯:『血濃於水- “Blood is thicker than water.” Only with the help of brothers can
              one fight against an enemy or succeed in any venture. 只有靠親兄弟之協助,方可

D.  鼻獅

直譯a lion with tiger’s nose

意譯a person with a very keen sense of smelling especially about delicious food recently cooked嗅覺特別靈敏的人,尤其對則剛煮熱的美食

E. 落平陽 ()

   直譯Driven from the mountain to the plain, a tiger is bullied by a hound of dogs. (從山上

   意譯In an unfavorable situation, the stronger party is sometimes bullied by the much
              weaker one. (在不利的情勢下,較強的一方會被較弱的一方欺侮) bully v. 霸凌

Please brush up on your Taiwanese!  朋友,請嘸通袜記好聽的台灣話哦!

Justin Lai, 06/15/2013







