2013年6月23日 星期日

(2) Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head....


“Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head”

這首曲子是電影主題曲,片名 Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid”中譯:『虎豹小霸王』,由Paul Newman, Robert RedfordKatherine Ross三人主演,前兩位是演技精湛的小生。本曲仍與Rain有關,但曲調活潑、輕快。它是以快樂、樂觀(optimistic) 曲子聞名。在1970年一月在前100首熱門歌曲排行榜中名列第一。並連續四周蟬連冠軍(and stayed there for four weeks straight.)本歌詞、曲由Hai David & Burt Bacharach所作,由B.J. Thomas唱紅。本曲另一特色為押韻,在下列歌詞中特以紅色標出。

A.    Lyrics: 歌詞:

Raindrops keep falling on my head, 雨滴落在我頭上
(註:raindrops= drops of rain;類似用法:a drop of dew/drops of dew露珠= dewdropsdrops of tear= teardrops淚珠)

And just like the guy whose feet are too big for his bed.就像這傢伙脚太長,床鋪不够他躺卧 (headbed押韻)

Nothing seems to fit.沒有一樣合身(對勁)

Those raindrops keep falling on my head, they keep falling.那些雨點斷落在我頭上,不停地

So I just did me some talking to the sun,因此我就親自向太陽說些話 (do me some talking= do some talking myself)

And I said I didn’t like the way he got things done我說我不喜歡他處事的方法 (sundone押韻)

Sleeping on the job. 工作時睡覺(不敬業)

Those raindrops keep falling on my head 那些雨点斷落在我頭上

They keep falling.不停地

But there’s one thing I know,可是我知道一件事

The blues they send to meet me won’t defeat me.那些帶給我的傷心事打敗不了我. (blues=sad things)

*It won’t be long till happiness steps up to greet me(pause-間奏)不久幸福就會走近來迎接我《notuntil(正式用法,應用beforesets up=comes near= approaches走近)

Raindrops keep falling on my head.雨滴不斷落在我頭上

But that doesn’t mean my eyes will soon be turning red. 但它並不意謂我的眼睛就快就會轉紅(眼眶快紅=about to cry將哭出來)

Crying’s not for me,該哭 (I should not cry純真)

Cause I’d never gonna stop the rain by complainin’因為我將永遠靠抱怨來阻止下雨 (Cause =becausegonna= go tocomplainin =complaining)

Cause I’m free因為我無憂無慮(free= carefree= free of care無所牽掛)

Nothing’s worrying me (pause-間奏)沒事讓我牽掛 (=I am worried about nothing.)

B.    歌詞評論:

a.      全首內容含『自我激勵』的信心。雖然雨滴不斷落在頭上,我仍不停工作,不似別人工作不力,工作時還打瞌睡,還抱怨一切。我向天公表明,不認同偷懶者,我不會被過去傷心事所擊敗,相信快樂即將到來,我哭也不抱怨雨水的打擊,因為只有努力向前而別無牽掛…….

b.     本歌韻律全照英詩iambic(揚抑格詩行) 的讀法即两字一組,如:raindrops/ keep fall/ ing in/ my head/共四組八個字,重讀在第二音節。又如:

but that /doesn’t mean/ my eyes/ will soon /be turn/ing red. 共六組十二字,唱起來,如同朗讀詩歌,短易懂易學有力又生動!

c.      本曲的舞步比blues(慢四步) 快,比fox trot(狐步舞或快四步) 稍慢,又叫jitterbug台語叫吉路巴)

C.    Music: (enjoy) 欣賞音樂

D.    Comment: 現代聽眾的感受與反應

I listen to this song whenever I am feeling down and want to be cheered up.” 每當我心情低落,需要鼓勵時,就聽此歌來振作自己。(feeling down= feeling downcastcheer up高興起來)

What kind of asshole would thumb this down?那位笨蛋說這首歌不好聽? (asshole n. 笨蛋;thumb(v.) down喜歡/thumbs n. up喜歡)

I am playing this while standing in the rain annoying people around me! 我邊播放這首歌,邊站立在雨中而惹火了周圍的人們。(體會雨點打在頭上的感覺?) annoying= and annoy…=make….angry使人生氣

. I heard this song 8 years ago. I can’t help but tear up a little bit hearing this.” 八年前首次聽到本歌,忍不住落淚。(can’t help but忍不住;tear up流淚)

d.     Life is not waiting for a storm to pass.  It is about learning to dance in the rain. 暴風雨來襲時,並非逃避它,等待它過去。而是要敢面對它,敢在雨中舞蹈。比喻『面對困難/挑戰』。

e.      "I sincerely love this song, it always makes me feel happy and positive about life even though life hits you hard I always get back up."
     我真心愛這首歌,因為即使遭受生活的重擊,它總會使我『快樂並肯定人生』。聽了本曲使我『重新站起來面對人生』。(hit hard重力打擊;positive about.. 樂觀;even though = even if即使..)

Justin Lai, 06/15/2013




