2013年6月9日 星期日

文法淺釋 (4)

文法淺釋系列 (4)

文法(grammar)與句型(Sentence Patterns)

12) 如上所述一般有生命名詞的所有格為apostrophe + s,若為無生命名詞則用the +n. + of + n. (of 有屬於之義)如:the end of the month 月底;the front of the computer電腦前面; the rear of the house屋後,但有不用oftable end桌邊/end table茶几;desk top桌面。日本Honda本田車一律用Honda of +城市名稱:Honda of San FranciscoHonda of Chiayi, etc.

*We provide tomorrow’s technology at yesterday’s price. 我們以過去 () 的價格提供未來()的科技。(業者强調不漲價)

tomorrowyesterday均為無生命名詞,卻在字尾加一所有格記號’ +S。因為有時將一些無生命名詞可當作有生命看,會使其意義更生動。故其所有格之形成與有生命名詞同,即在字尾加 apostrophe ’+ s. 這些名詞謂之Personified Nouns (擬人化名詞) 另如︰the sun’s ray 陽光;sun shine, moon light月光。Moon River (月河-歌曲名),mountain ridge山嶺,foothill =the foot of hill山脚下,mountain top山頂(=the top of mountain)

*A day’s wait could be as long as two years to us. 一天的等待對我們也許是兩年之久。

*A day’s being apart is as long as three years. 一日不見如隔三秋。

*a moment’s hesitation 瞬間的猶豫。

He is greeting Fortune’s smile. 他正迎接幸運之神的微笑。


It’s April roses that grow in early Spring. 四月玫瑰長在初春。若用April’sroses in April則顯失

The Summer wine tastes rather sweet. 夏天美酒嚐起來格外甜。但,She is the teacher’s pet. 她是老師喜歡的學生。(pet 此處不作寵物解)

It shall be paid in money order. 用滙款給付。

It will generate more cash flow. 它會產生更多的現金回收。

 *複合名詞中間加一 hyphen時,則不必加 apostrophe                 

a five-year-old child 一位五歲的孩童;但,five-year-olds 五歲的孩童們

a thirty- day notice一個月前趕走房客之通知

Fires are set on over four-hour span. 連續縱火4小時以上。

 *for + noun’s sake (=for the sake of…).為常用詞組,例︰

for God’s(Heaven’s) 看在老天爺份上= for the sake of God= for Jesus’ (Christ’s) sake (for the ~ of Virgin Mother 耶穌童貞之母-天主教徒)

For the kids’ ~, get over that dishonest job.看在孩子的份上,別再做那種不誠實的事。*其他
*It is against Heaven’s will. 違反天意。(the will of Heaven)

 *We are at our wit’s end.  智窮 (江郎才盡)

 *On a quiet morning the great movie star reached her journey’s end. 這位電影巨星在某一寧靜
早晨過世。(註:reach one’s journey’s end走完旅途-喻死亡) 比較

*It has at its digital fingertips a vast grove of personal records-some 19 billion of them. 它完全
掌握有約190億龐大的個人數據在其數據訊息中。(has之受詞為a vast grove of them一大堆)

*Be prompt at duty’s call and never listen to temptation’s whisper. 迅速呼應責任之呼聲;不可傾聽誘惑之細語。(要敬業、盡責,不可沈淪) 

*At the welcome party they sang, ate and drank to their heart’s content.》在迎新會中他們盡情地歌唱,飲酒作樂。

Justin Lai, 06/06/2013





