2015年10月4日 星期日

老式情歌 (24)

老式情歌 (24)

歌名:My Rifle, My Pony and Me
“Rio Bravo”片名『赤膽屠龍』,故事背景德州
sung by Dean Martin / Ricky Nelson (狄恩馬丁/尼爾森)

一、             歌詞
The sun is sinking in the west太陽西沈
The cattle go down to the stream牲畜下到溪邊
The redwing settles in the nest 紅羽毛鳥已歸巢
It’s time for the cowboy to dream, 牛仔作夢時刻已到
Purple light in the canyons山谷中的紫光

That’s where I long to be就是我渴望去的地方
With my three good companions, 夥同三位好友
Just my rifle, pony and me…我獨自騎著小馬扛著長槍
Gonna hang my sombrero, 我要把我的大盤帽(sombrello-西班牙語)

On the rim of a tree, 掛在樹沿上
Com in home, sweet-heart, darling親愛的回家吧
Just my rifle, pony and me我獨自騎著小馬扛著長槍
Just my rifle, my pony and me我獨自騎著小馬扛著長槍
Whippoorwill, (北美蚊母鳥)

In the willow, 已棲息在柳樹上
Sings a sweet melody, 唱著美妙曲調
Riding to Amarillo我正騎馬去Amarillo (德州一大城)
Just my rifle, pony and me我獨自騎著小馬扛著長槍……..
No more cows to be roping沒有牛隻需繫好

No more strays will I see再看不到走失的牛隻
Round the bend在途中下坡轉彎處
She’ll be waiting她正等我
Just my rifle, pony and me…我獨自騎著小馬扛著長槍…..
Just my rifle, my pony and me…我獨自騎著小馬扛著長槍

二、   極具典型美國西部色彩,配樂僅吉他與口琴。字詞押韻在(i) 的長母音如stream, 
          dream, be, see, me, tree

三、             Enjoy the music:

Justin Lai 編譯

