2015年10月22日 星期四

字詞研究 (115)

字詞研究 (115)
(Synonyms & Antonyms)

8) arouse / raise / rise / arise:

1. rise  (vi)  rose   risen 升起 (指看不見或看得見的事物 / 或人在事業
a.     Did you read the novel, “The Sun Also Rises in the East”? 你讀過太陽浴血記

b.     The moon is rising above the horizon. 月亮正升到地平線上
** Misery and water keep ~ sing. 痛苦和水不斷上升----有人描寫水災情景                 
**Its noodles vs. burgers as China’s homegrown fast food chains are rising
to repulse the Big Mac attack. 隨著中國土產的速食店的興起來抵擋大漢堡的攻勢,

c. Mr. Brown rose to the top of the legal profession through great achievement.
Brown 先生經由重大成就,爬上法律事業的顛峰

d. Christ is believed to ~ from the dead 人們相信耶穌復活。比較:*resurrect v.
恢復;復活 resurrection  n. (耶穌)復活
【比較】Rising oil prices make mealtime more expensive. 逐漸上漲的油價,使烹調時間更昂貴
(多發時間,多浪費能源) 注意:本句主詞為prices故接複數形動詞make
“Early to rise and early to bed makes a man healthy.” 早睡早起身體好

2. raise (vt.) raised  raised 舉起 (看見) ; 使升起 (看不見) ;飼養 ;募款

a.     Those who were against the plan ~ d their hands. 反對者舉手。

b. Some housewives ~ chickens for additional income. 一些家庭主婦養雞以增加

c. Jim is regarded as a very good fund-raiser.  Jim 被認為是一位很好的
募款者。They are traveling in mid-West to raise enough funds for the election. 他們正

d. His resignation ~s questions about who will succeed
him. 他的辭職引發了誰會繼承他的一些問題

e. The offer ~s concern about potential for foreign ownership of a U.S. energy
company.  這項出價引起關心有關外國人持有美國石油公司的潛力

f. As director of Legal Defense Fund, he hopes to~ awareness of the growing disparities
among Americans. 身為辯護基金會主任,他希望能喚醒美國人明白彼此間之差異。

3. arise (vi.)  arose   arisen  起床;發生 (= come into being) ; 結果(result)   
a. He ~ s (= gets up) at six and does not go to bed until nine. 他六點起床直到九點
才睡 b. An objection ~ s as to the date of the conference. 有關會議日期有人反對
c. The accident ~ s from carelessness. 意外起因於不小心。 ~ from= result from..
(起因於)The chief glory of every people ~s from its authors.”- Samuel Johnson
The owner is not responsible for any claim ~ sing out of this work of improvement.                   

4. arouse (vt.)  aroused ~ = awaken 喚醒,激起 ~ + 抽象名詞(表感情)~ interest
 (興趣); ~ curiosity (好奇心); ~ anger (憤怒) ; ~ enthusiasm (熱心)
The sufferings caused by the Tsunami in South Asia ~s sympathy around the world.    

9) block /blockade/ stop / (boycott):
1. block vt. 阻塞; 阻擋
  You are blocking my car; please move it. 你的車子擋住我的車;請移走它。
Do not ~ the intersection.  別把車子停在十字路口上。
block n. 兩條十字路口間之距離
The bank is two ~ s away from here. 銀行離這兒有兩條街遠

2.     blockade  v. n. 封鎖 
During the 6-day war, the strait was successfully ~d by the British. 在六日戰爭期間,
blockbuster  v.恐嚇 (現代電腦用語) :為防止病毒 (virus) junk mail (垃圾郵件)
侵入而裝設的一種防護措施:若按 block 即擋住它;若按allow 則允許某些資訊進入

3. stop  v. n. 停止,阻止,防止
A previous engagement ~s me from attending the ceremony. 先前的約定使我無法
出席這儀式。“No stopping any time” 任何時間禁止暫時停車
a non-stop flight 直飛

* boycott vt. = refuse to deal with or buy抵制,杯葛Some leaders believe it unwise to
~ the opening ceremony of Olympic games.有些領袖認為抵制奧運開幕式是不智的。

Justin Lai


