2015年10月8日 星期四

文法淺釋- (121)

文法淺釋- (121)

文法(grammar)與句型(sentence patterns)

十、連接詞 (Conjunctions)

3)  An expert will speak in the auditoriumfurthermore, he will answer your
questions after the lecture.

  furthermore 是連接性的副詞,  在句子中其用法為:

a. 句子 +…~, + 句子    b.  句子 F~, + 句子
  It was too expensive.  Moreover (Furthermore; Besides), I didn’t have enough money
with me.  它太貴了;而且我帶的錢不

4)     As the months went by, the Smiths grew accustomed to their new home.


 when 是一個從屬連接詞 (subordinating Conjunction) 引導一個副詞子句表示某種
 Children become more experienced in handling their private affairs as they grow up.                          
隨著成長,孩子們對於處理自己的私事變得更有經驗   (as 如同 when , 但它表示

 比較: When in Rome, do as the Romans do.   入境隨俗。
 = When (you are) in Rome, do (in the same way) as the Romans do.

Image result for when in rome do as the romans

** 比較while
 a.  強調…. Strike iron while it is hot.  打鐵趁熱喻「保握機會
Make hay ~ the sun shines  趁有太陽時曬乾草喻「保握機會」。Save her while
there is yet time. 趁還有時間,趕快救她

Image result for make hay while the sun shines

 b. = whereas 強調﹝對照﹞的動作
Children were doing their homework ~ the mother was mending socks. 孩子們做家課
The man with a gracious heart sympathizes with the poor, ~those greedy and stingy
persons keep away from them.

c = as long as  只要
W~ there is life, there is hope. 留得青山在不怕沒柴燒; ( 只要有生命就有希望。)
比較:as (so) long as = on condition that = provided that

 Image result for where there's life there's hope
Niccolo Machiavelli wrote in 1513,”It’s good to appear to be pious, faithful, human,
honest and religious as long as one keeps in mind that when the need arises, you can
and will change into the opposite.”
名政治思想馬奇威立1513年寫道:「當然表面上 (對上司) 裝著虔誠、忠心、
d. = although  雖然
W~ I admit that the problems are difficult, I don’t agree that they cannot be solved.

Justin Lai


