2015年10月19日 星期一

文法淺釋- (122)

文法淺釋- (122)

文法(grammar)與句型(sentence patterns)

十、連接詞 (Conjunctions)

6)     The fact that he is a native of France is quite understood.(他是土生土長的法國人

 that ….France 整個子句作名詞用, 作主詞 (the fact) 之同位格 (appositive)
 **注意只有that 才可以作同位格的名詞子句之連接詞

The fact that (which) he pointed out was quite understood.   他所指出的事實充分被

**  That (which) 所引導的形容詞子句修飾主詞- the factthat  (which) 關係
代名詞作pointed out之受詞。

7) His property reaches as far as your eye can see. (他的產業遠達你眼睛所看得到的範圍----他的產業一望無際。)  

1. so far  adv. 片語 = up to the present = up to now 到目前為止, 常與現在

So far so good. 目前一切還好!

Image result for so far so good

2. as far as
a. 可見的距離,作連接詞片語 如原句。

b. = so far as…. 可不見的程度
So (As) far as I know, he is good for nothing.  就我所知,他是無用之材。
= To the best of my knowledge, he is good for nothing.

So far as I remember, I owe him a favor. 就我記憶所及,我欠他一個人情 
= To the best of my remembrance, I owe him a favor.
3. so (as) far as + S. (主詞) + be + concerned 句子 = As for + 句子:「至於」
So far as we are concerned, we have some retirement plans. 就我們而論,我們有些
Image result for so far as i am concerned

*Life is a curious gift, since so far as we know we did not ask for it.
生命是一種奇怪的禮物,因為就我們所知,原先我們並 未要求它。

8)     The sign at the back window of the car reads “Once a marine, always a marine.”
once   conj. 連接詞一旦 此處= Once (I  become) a marine, (I am) always
a marine.
另例: ~  (he is) a bum, (he is) always a bum.一旦成為一個壞蛋,就永遠是壞蛋  

~ the fugitive gets across the river, the police will not chase him.一旦過了河,

Justin Lai


