2015年7月29日 星期三



Image result for 三字經

人之初At the beginning of life, 

性本善 Sex is good.. 
(意譯:Nature is innately good)

性相近 Basically, all the sex are same. 
(意譯:Human nature is basically the same)

習相遠 But it depends on how you do it. 
(意譯:It is their habits that carry them far apart.)

苟不教 If you do not practice all the time, 
(意譯:If  a person is not properly educated)

性乃遷 Sex will leave you. 
(意譯: his nature will be changed)

教之道 The way of learning it 
(意譯: If educated properly...)

貴以專 It is very important to make love with only one person.
(意譯: making his nature noble ..)


Justin Lai


