2015年7月15日 星期三

英文格言與慣用語 (25)

英文格言與慣用語 (25)

241) Through obedience learn to command. 懂得服從,才能指揮他人

242) It never rains but it pours. 不雨則已,一雨傾盆

Image result for it never rains but it pours

243) It takes all sorts to make a world. 世界是由各色各樣的人組成

244) It will be all the same a hundred years hence. 死後人人相同

245) A Jack of all trade is a master of none. 樣樣通,樣樣鬆
Image result for a jack of all trades is a master of none

246) Jam tomorrow and jam yesterday- but never jam today. 好日子絕不在今天

247) Judge not, that ye not be judged. 不論斷他人,以免被人論斷

Image result for judge not that ye be not judged

248) Keep something for a rainy day. 未雨綢繆

249) Kill not the goose that lays the golden eggs.  勿殺雞取卵
Image result for kill not the goose that lays the golden eggs

250) Kind hearts are more than coronets.  善心勝於高貴的血統


