2014年12月25日 星期四



Again? Really? What if it’s Bush-Clinton in 2016?
歷史重演? 真的? 倘若2016年布希與柯林頓兩大家族又同台競選總統會怎樣?

1)    There are more than 300 million people in America, yet the same two families keep popping up when it comes to picking a president.

Bush. And Clinton. 布希對柯林頓

2)  After months of hints and speculation, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush last week said he’s actively exploring a bid for the Republican nomination. And while Hillary Rodham Clinton hasn’t revealed her intentions, she’s seen as the odds-on favorite for the Democratic nomination.
經過幾個月的暗示與猜測,前佛羅里達州州長,傑布, 布希 (小布希之弟) 上周 說,他正積極探求共和黨的總統提名。而柯林頓之妻-希拉蕊,雖尚未透露她的意圖,但卻已被視為民主黨黨內提名有利的勝算。

3) Why are these two families so dominant in modern politics? It turns out that even though Americans profess to reject dynasties in politics, they’re quite comfortable with familiar names.
為何這兩大家族在現代政治圈是如此佔優勢? 結果是,即使美國人承認拒絕接受朝代世襲制,(爸爸做完兒子做-共和黨,先生做完太太接棒-可能是民主黨) - 【編註】但是對這兩大熟悉的家族名字,卻十分放心。

4) And a famous name can bring a candidate instant brand recognition, important fund-raising connections and a ready network of political contacts. It may also suggest competence at a time of dysfunction.

1)    pop(ping) up浮現、勝出。When it comes to +Ving= 當提到….. picking = picking out選出
2)    bid, n. 投標,a bid for競標. bid, n. 投標,a bid for…競標…. while= althoughodds勝算 (while此處不指當…. 之時候解)
3)    dominant a. 佔優勢的;profess v. 承認;dynasties n. 朝代
4)    brand recognition品牌的認識;suggest vt. 使人聯想 (注意:此處不作建議解) dysfunction n. 失去原有功能


布希家族擁有龐大石油事業,富可敵國,老布希當了一任總統,競選連任時被小柯擊敗。小柯兩任後,小布希選上。兩任後,希拉蕊與歐巴馬競選民主黨提名,結果有條件地讓步給歐。2016年歐屆滿任期,已當過參議員與國務卿的希拉蕊早已磨刀霍霍,『吃剩飯等待』這一刻。其實民主黨黨內條件嬴希拉蕊的人恐怕不多,故布希與柯林頓兩家族再度對決的時刻即將到來。其實早在1992年小柯以Youth, Luck and Change” (年青、幸運與改變) 三大號召勝選時,即曾大言不慚地預言” With his wife, Hillary, he describes a political partnership without precedent in U.S. History.” (因有他太太,他描寫在美國歷史上史無前例的一個政治夥伴關係業已形成)。而小布希之弟弟Jeb的條件並不輸其兄,只是兄友弟恭,先讓一下,布希家族還是後繼有人。

以上翻譯自華府美聯社- WASHINGTON (AP)

Justin Lai 


